im reading in a text file the text file has a header which i wish to ignore, untill it reaches the first heading then i would like to process the data using a for loop. clear enough?
Hello, I'm trying to use regex to match 2 and 3 word phrases that i have sorted by line in a txt document my current regex is like this "'(\bi\b. sold\bit\b)', chat, re.S)" I'm not quite sure how to edit this to use words saved in a txt rather than me stating individual words
ah I did not realise sqlite3 was built into python, yes I'll have a look into that now. I think as well after sitting back and looking at what i need to do i was probably over complicating it in my mind
It is for an assignment I have been given, I am supposed to take the data out of this .txt correctly structure it and place into a database under set columns. It is a free choice assignment designed so that i am able to choose what language etc. i use to complete it and I have chosen Python as it is one i'm more comfortable with but have never used it in this manner
Hello all, I am wondering if you could help me I have a semi structured data .txt file that i need to pull information from and create into a database what would be the best way to do this. The .txt contains over 1000 bits of data so it is very large