Hi, I'm not sure if it's against the rules/frowned upon to link questions here when in need of help? Would anyone mind having a look at a problem I'm lost with?
In VB.net, in the public class block I've defined some custom data structures, then in one private sub I've created an implementation of a data structure and given it values, now in a second private sub I would like to utilize this data (pass it into a txtbox)
I need someone to answer my question for me as I have solved my issue and don't want to wait the 7 hours till I can answer my own question, as waiting this seven hours and leaving it unsolved will waste people's time
I am writing an app for android (2.1 > 3.1) and I would like to use the familiar practice of using the app Icon in Honeycomb apps to go up to the home activity, however, when I run the activity on earlier, non Honeycomb devices where the Activity.getActionBar(); method does not exist yet, the app...
I think I'm interrupting something but here it goes: Quick question - since Facebook sharing under the android share intent does not work, is there a way to disable facebook from the list of default sharing choices?
Yes, I'm glad you thought so too. I couldn't work out where one thing stopped and another started, and I don't have the knowledge to determine for myself.