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Oct 5, 2020 19:21
But I don't object to allowing the constructor to handle it as an alternative
Oct 5, 2020 19:17
I'm inclined to agree with Guido there, he gives a very good explanation
Oct 5, 2020 18:56
Why would you have cream and lemon with tea??
Oct 5, 2020 18:55
That was aimed at Paul :)
Oct 5, 2020 18:55
Oh that's a nice solution
Oct 5, 2020 18:46
Presumably your objects get copied before being changed fairly often?
Oct 5, 2020 18:45
Yeah that's quite nice
Oct 5, 2020 18:45
@PaulMcG very interesting, thank you! I hadn't really considered inplace + return self...
Oct 5, 2020 18:38
True, there'll always be people getting it wrong no matter what we do. However in this case I think that outplace set_ is deliberately obtuse and 'incorrect'. Feel free to correct me if you disagree?
Oct 5, 2020 18:34
2nd and last time I promise!
Oct 5, 2020 18:34
"I asked this a few days ago" sorry if you think that it is spamming :)
Oct 5, 2020 18:33
Is there a better standard that we should switch to? I was planning on renaming them to .with_fps() and .with_layer() etc, but perhaps it would be better to make them inplace? What are the advantages and disadvantages with that?
Oct 5, 2020 18:33
Hey everyone, I asked this a few days ago, but I'd like some more input: I'm trying to improve the MoviePy API and I need some help re naming/conventions: Currently the central objects are various types of Clip. Clip has several methods such as .set_fps(), .set_layer() etc. Currently these methods work 'outplace' i.e. they don't modify the object, they return a new Clip with that modification done to it. This causes a lot of confusion because they don't act like you'd expect a 'setter' to.
Oct 3, 2020 21:06
But I appreciate your input
Oct 3, 2020 21:06
Haha, well I've never done this before (and I didn't design the original moviepy api either), so I just want to check that what I'm planning makes sense!
Oct 3, 2020 21:02
Which would obviously have to be outplace
Oct 3, 2020 21:02
We were also planning on using the object slicing methods to map to .subclip calls as well (so clip[2:10:-1] would play between t = 2 and t = 10, but backwards)
Oct 3, 2020 21:00
Indeed. There is also currently set_start and set_end methods that allow you to set where the clip should go if you are about to put it together into a CompositeVideoClip
Oct 3, 2020 20:52
Its especially tricky because even though it will be a breaking change, I'm reluctant to make it too hard to upgrade to
Oct 3, 2020 20:52
However unless I got rid of the dedicated methods as well that would mean that there's 2 ways of changing those things
Oct 3, 2020 20:51
Hmmm that's an interesting idea
Oct 3, 2020 20:47
My reservation is that as it is now you can do clip.set_fps(20).set_duration(10).set_layer(1).subclip(2, 20) all in one line. That wouldn't be possible if the methods are inplace?
Oct 3, 2020 20:34
Anyone got any ideas about my API renaming situation:
Oct 3, 2020 17:26
Yeah, but you definitely can debug from it (maybe after installing the Python extension)
Oct 3, 2020 17:26
Most of the functionality comes from plugins
Oct 3, 2020 17:25
It is borderline between text editor and IDE
Oct 3, 2020 17:23
PS Should I just ask this as a question on SO?
Oct 3, 2020 17:23
Is there a better standard that we should switch to? I was planning on renaming them to .with_fps() and .with_layer() etc, but perhaps it would be better to make them inplace? What are the advantages and disadvantages with that?
Oct 3, 2020 17:23
Hey all, I'm trying to improve the MoviePy API and I've got a question about API naming/conventions: Currently the central objects are various types of Clip. Clip has several methods such as .set_fps(), .set_layer() etc. Currently these methods work 'outplace' i.e. they don't modify the object, they return a new Clip with that modification done to it. This causes a lot of confusion because they don't act like you'd expect a 'setter' to.
Mar 26, 2020 11:59
pypi is back now 👍🏼
Mar 26, 2020 11:12
Sure, its just that there were no other status updates anywhere that said it was having issues
Mar 26, 2020 11:08
and searching on doesn't work for anything other than (presumably cached) common searches like numpy
Mar 26, 2020 11:07
pip search is broken
Mar 26, 2020 11:07
Is Pypi working for anyone else or is it just me?
Feb 22, 2020 15:25
> What is the source of the download data?

>PyPI provides download records as a publicly available dataset on Google's BigQuery. You can access the data with a Google Cloud account here.
Feb 22, 2020 15:24
But not an official site
Feb 22, 2020 15:24
I think the data is straight from pypi
Feb 22, 2020 15:24
Its just so strange that one CI project would download it 50k times in one day
Feb 22, 2020 15:14
I'm looking at the pypi download stats for my project, and there are some massive spikes. Any ideas why that might be?
Apr 19, 2018 13:40
I'm just going through my old questions, and I found this one: Its got 3 downvotes; should I just delete it or is it worth keeping?
Apr 17, 2018 19:30
Ah ok
Apr 17, 2018 19:27
No, its the name of a cyber security challenge program that I'm doing, and the question you asked is similar to one of the challenges in it. I was just curious if that is what you were doing as well
Apr 17, 2018 19:23
@OmG3r, I was just curious
Apr 17, 2018 19:23
No don't wrory
Apr 17, 2018 19:21
@OmG3r, do the words cyberdiscovery mean anything to you?
Apr 17, 2018 19:02
I'm just going through my old questions, and I found this one:…. Its got 3 downvotes; should I just delete it or is it worth keeping?
Dec 21, 2017 17:05
Or there's that game (and old Sonic 3D) that when something went wrong, instead of crashing, it went to a secret level selector!

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Apr 19, 2018 13:06