@MadaraUchiha so how would I do this, in a set:
for (var i = 0; i < personArray.length; i++) {
if (personArray[i].hasMalaria === true) {
personArray[i].isAlive = false
@MadaraUchiha humm... interesting. It really doesn't matter what order every Person is stored. But I do need to look for items in the whole set/array/map that meet certain criteria and do something to or with them. That is, I don't think I will need to look-up a specific Person, but I will need to frequently find all the ones that are male, or between 30 and 40 years old etc... and then change some of their properties values.
I'll have to read up on it. Kind of new at programming and haven't used sets yet. Can you give me a quick overview of the main differences between sets and arrays.
Hey guys, quick question. I'm building an agent-based demographic simulation. Persons objects are stored in personArraywhich will contain well over 100 000 elements. As people die, they are no longer useful to the simulation. I was wondering if there is any performance advantages to actually removing them from personArray? And if so, would it be useful to shift the empty index they live behind so that personArraystays dense. Thanks.
Yeah, everything makes so much more sense. Many of the suggestions I was getting from people on stackoverflow to fix my programming dilemmas involved mapping, filtering etc. and everytime i was thinking "but i don't want my objects to move to another array". LOL, I feel like when Neo realizes his world is fake and the laws of physics don't apply to him anymore. Watch me fly!
It wasn't that obvious to me. The way I understood it it was like: I have an apple (object) and I put it in a basket (array), well the same apple can't be in two baskets at the same time, can it? So I guess that arrays aren't really baskets, more like windows that allow you too look at the apple inside the house. I can look thru different windows and see the same apple. Am I getting this right?
In other words, if I were to do newArray[1].property = "yo mama" and then go check that property value in originalArray[1].propertyit would return "yo mama"?
I have an array of objects. If I push the entire array to a newArray. Am I correct in saying that if I were to modify one of the object's property value in newArray, it would correspondingly modify it in the original array?
Hey guys, I'm learning programming and I think I just realized something REALLY cool while fooling around with objects in arrays and I wanted to run it by someone more experienced to make sure I'm not totally wrong. Can I bother you for a minute or two?
@MadaraUchiha so how would I do this, in a set: for (var i = 0; i < personArray.length; i++) { if (personArray[i].hasMalaria === true) { personArray[i].isAlive = false } }