
Dedicated to the discussion of the Java programming language a...
Sep 2, 2014 22:13
Sep 2, 2014 22:06
Hey Michael
Sep 2, 2014 21:26
@Holger are you around?
Sep 2, 2014 20:09
@PeterLawrey are you around?


Room rules: Code formatting guide: tinyu...
May 7, 2014 05:54
in subprocess call
May 7, 2014 05:54
I already have executable='/bin/bash'
May 7, 2014 05:51
why not it works when I start with upstart
May 7, 2014 05:50
if it works fine when I run directly
May 7, 2014 05:50
I guess in our situation I cannot do that, since our framework is setup like that. Our python framework is executing different shell script by passing parameter to it.
May 7, 2014 05:48
so to simplify that part I did like that
May 7, 2014 05:48
so I cannot show zookeeper stuff here
May 7, 2014 05:48
and then pass to shell script
May 7, 2014 05:48
and json load it using python
May 7, 2014 05:47
Python script gets this json data from zookeeper
May 7, 2014 05:47
exactly, we don't have shell script like that
May 7, 2014 05:44
I cannot do it in Python as our frameworrk is setup like that.
May 7, 2014 05:44
so that is the reason I framed my question like that
May 7, 2014 05:44
In our setup, we are invoking shell script from python scriptt
May 7, 2014 05:44
which is to invoke certain shell script from Python
May 7, 2014 05:44
I have tried to simplify our setup
May 7, 2014 05:43
I know it can be done in Python already
May 7, 2014 05:41
do you know what wrong I am doing? It has to be silly mistake
May 7, 2014 05:41
meaning? I didn't understand
May 7, 2014 05:39
Yeah, it is just for testing purpose..
May 7, 2014 05:37
I can see to avoid using that later on I guess.
May 7, 2014 05:37
I see but that cannot be issue
May 7, 2014 05:35
why it is not working see my above question
May 7, 2014 05:34
pretty stange, I am scratching my head..
May 7, 2014 05:34
so I am using ubuntu upstart to start my python script
May 7, 2014 05:33
it is just like crontab
May 7, 2014 05:33
to start any of the script
May 7, 2014 05:33
upstart is a ubutnu feature
May 7, 2014 05:33
Q: executing python script directly vs using ubuntu upstart feature

WebbyI am working with Python and bash shell script. I am executing shell script from Python subprocess module. I am passing arrays from python into shell script using environment variables and then I am printing out that array in shell script. Below is my python script - jsonstr = json.dumps({"s...

May 7, 2014 05:33
as compared to if I use ubuntu upstart feature
May 7, 2014 05:33
if I run python script directly
May 7, 2014 05:32
I am seeing pretty strange behavior
May 7, 2014 05:32
sorry, I should be more clear
May 7, 2014 05:32
to start python script
May 7, 2014 05:32
has anyone used ubuntu upstart feature
May 7, 2014 05:31
hey guys
Jan 20, 2014 19:36
@Peter, coming back to your question.. I am using ExecutorService to have the timeout feature, meaning if any call is taking some time to respond, then timeout the call..
Jan 20, 2014 19:10
sure.. thank you..
Jan 20, 2014 19:09
let me try those stuff.. And see how it goes.. Thanks a lot for the help..
Jan 20, 2014 19:09
Jan 20, 2014 19:08
after taking a look on the google?
Jan 20, 2014 19:08
I guess
Jan 20, 2014 19:08
but this class is deprecated
Jan 20, 2014 19:08
Jan 20, 2014 18:59
Currently I am not able to find that somehow..
Jan 20, 2014 18:58
Anyways, I will try to see how we can use RestTemplate better.. If you have any example which shows how to use RestTemplate with ConnectionFactory, then it will help me a lot..