Support group for those afflicted with PHP. Don't ask to ask, ...
Jul 29, 2011 10:00
hello..i am working on a contact form. nothing is stored in a database, just sends an email. I was wondering if there was a way to prevent the back button after i do a redirect to my thank you page $send_mail = mail($emailTo, $subject, $body, $headers);
if ($send_mail) {
header("Location: ../thankyou");
Apr 21, 2011 14:46
@ircmaxell, thank you.
Apr 21, 2011 14:44
@ircmaxell, i am new to this so whata exactly do u mean, is that another room?
Apr 21, 2011 14:40
Say you have two content types, restaurant and menu. The restaurant content type has various CCK fields like id, address etc. While Menu has a node reference to restaurant and other CCK fields like breakfast, lunch etc. I know I can easily display the fields of Menu using Views however, what I would really like to achieve is use the id of restaurant as an argument in a page view.
I have attempted this by creating the page view, added the event id as an argument (I selected the default action and added PHP snippet below), and added fields from the menu but I get no result. Something does not
Apr 21, 2011 14:34
Hello, was wondering if there was anyone familiar with drupal in here?