Francesco Ventura

Java, Spring,JPA, PHP, jQuery & Javas

This room is for Java, ,Spring Framework, JPA, Javascript, jQu...
Feb 1, 2017 19:15
Hello I would like to monitor my endpoints in Spring boot like show time the call takes to respond anybody got an idea how to do this?
Dec 29, 2016 15:39
Hello I got a question I got an endpoint on my spring boot application that takes in @Requestbody User user but I need to store a forgein key that the user supplies in a table but Spring jpa won't let me do this does anybody here know the solution?

 Android Era with Kotlin and Java

Important: Read dos and don'ts here: . Ma...
Dec 29, 2016 15:41
Hello I got a question I got an endpoint on my spring boot application that takes in @Requestbody User user but I need to store a forgein key that the user supplies in a table but Spring jpa won't let me do this does anybody here know the solution?


A friendly room for discussing XAML based technologies. Our Co...
May 30, 2016 21:38
I am trying to deploy my azure web application but I get this error message could somebody help me ?


General discussions about the c# language, Squirrels |
May 30, 2016 21:34
I am trying to deploy my azure web application but I get this error message could somebody help me ?
Apr 23, 2016 23:41
I have never worked with webapi no idea how to use bower in vs to get me some quick views @TomW
Apr 23, 2016 23:40
And click a button somewhere that they will attend said event
Apr 23, 2016 23:40
I need to build a website where people can see events in a calendar
Apr 23, 2016 23:40
I have several assignments I need to do with school in a group of 5 people codeIginiter, pl/sql,... my groupmates are a bunch of non-coding muppets so I had to do everything myself. Everything is done apart from the webapi website that is due to monday...
Apr 23, 2016 23:16
Thanks Tom
Apr 23, 2016 22:59
Could somebody give me advice on how to build a webapi website in under a day?
Apr 22, 2016 23:23
Sorry I am just getting frustrated :( I use to code in java a lot before
Apr 22, 2016 23:18
Why did I even venture into the world of multithreading with C# couldn't it be simple like Java jezus .net........
Apr 22, 2016 23:16
I am using messageboxes to check if doworker is done they al fire up but runworkercomplete its messageboxes don't :(?
Apr 22, 2016 23:16
it says when doworker is done
Apr 22, 2016 23:09
could somebody tell me when runworkercomplete gets called ;=(
Apr 22, 2016 22:11
Whoever helps me fix this I will buy you one icecream
Apr 22, 2016 22:11
the RunWorkerCompleted method never gets called and my function gets stuck in the while look in gisthub for source…
Apr 22, 2016 22:10
Could somebody help me out in fixing my multithread AES encryption function :(?
Apr 22, 2016 00:03
I will forever be a noob :(
Apr 22, 2016 00:03
I give up multithreading in c# can't be done :(
Apr 21, 2016 23:58
the last thread never reaches the promised land that is runcomplete
Apr 21, 2016 23:57
int size = (int)(fileInfo.Length - ixCurrentBlock * BLOCK_SIZE);
byte[] buffer = new byte[size];
bytes = fsIn.Read(buffer, 0, size);
MessageBox.Show(size + " test");
freeWorker.RunWorkerAsync(Tuple.Create(size, buffer));
Apr 21, 2016 23:54
So your telling me I should check if bytes isn't 0?
Apr 21, 2016 23:49
now my thread is stuck again lol
Apr 21, 2016 23:47
How will it advance onto the next part?
Apr 21, 2016 23:47
Apr 21, 2016 23:44
I can't do fsIn.Read(buffer,0, file.Length); can I? the hobbit is like 2gig don't have that space on my ram
Apr 21, 2016 23:43
yh I am trying to figure out how to read the file in small parts
Apr 21, 2016 23:39
fsIn.Read(buffer,1000, 1000; = .net lol nope error
Apr 21, 2016 23:38
does the file advance from itself or do I need an offset?
Apr 21, 2016 23:36
bytes = fsIn.Read(buffer, ixCurrentBlock * BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE);
Apr 21, 2016 23:35
The issue is with the offset of my
Apr 21, 2016 23:32
I managed to encrypt and decrypt a file of 1,85b with 1kb buffer but it still chokes when I try to encrypt my not pirated movie of the hobbit :(
Apr 21, 2016 23:28
I think I may have solved the issue
Apr 21, 2016 23:26
Yeah cuz I am making my own
Apr 21, 2016 23:25
AES encryption in C#
Apr 21, 2016 23:21
An exception occurred during the operation, making the result invalid. Check InnerException for exception details. rip multithreading dream :(
Apr 21, 2016 23:00… my threads get stuck and won't shut itself down :(
Apr 21, 2016 22:58
Is anybody intrested in solving my multithread AES encryption program :(
Apr 21, 2016 21:40
you are truly the .net master
Apr 21, 2016 21:40
thanks fella!
Apr 21, 2016 21:39
Apr 21, 2016 21:38
where will it .write to?
Apr 21, 2016 21:38
so put nothing in the constructor
Apr 21, 2016 21:37
so a random madeup number?
Apr 21, 2016 21:36
so what does the length of my buffer have to be when I use the constructor for memorystream


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
May 20, 2016 17:31
I use it for jquery ajax to pull out the comments for my collapse but I need it to sync with my css
May 20, 2016 17:28
I got a question why can't I use 'this' in a function as a reference to my button :(?