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andy magoon
Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
andy magoon
Oct 15, 2013 18:49
What are those plastic things?
andy magoon
Aug 10, 2011 15:19
ok thanks
andy magoon
Aug 10, 2011 15:19
@Darkyen definitely i can see its use for realtime applications, i just hadn't considered it for a blog
andy magoon
Aug 10, 2011 15:16
don't misunderstand me -- im fascinated with node.js, so naturally i want to hear where it shines
andy magoon
Aug 10, 2011 15:14
good enough. i'm not commenting on the choice, i'm just curious.
andy magoon
Aug 10, 2011 15:13
@Darkyen I don't, but i'm curious why you wish to use node.js for a blog?
andy magoon
Aug 10, 2011 15:02
i use safari
Support group for those afflicted with PHP. Don't ask to ask, ...
andy magoon
May 30, 2013 20:06
right, what @Bracketworks said
andy magoon
May 30, 2013 20:06
no, but I think it should be helpful to you that array_merge is unhelpful. You can array_walk but that is much more complicated than just doing foreach'ing the structures manually, possibly creating array a3 that has the sums
andy magoon
May 30, 2013 19:59
don't merge them, walk or just foreach them
andy magoon
Aug 10, 2011 16:03
a good reason to use vi
andy magoon
Aug 10, 2011 15:30
andy magoon
Aug 10, 2011 14:34
@ircmaxell link?
andy magoon
Aug 10, 2011 14:32
has anybody proven it can be done, by showing code?