Support group for those afflicted with PHP. Don't ask to ask, ...
Jul 8 13:57
How have you been, been quite a while. Last time I remember us talking was during those Among Us games.
Jul 8 13:56
Oh Hi @PeeHaa and @Tiffany
Jul 8 13:55
Jul 3 18:04
Jul 2 07:04
Jun 28 10:59
Jun 21 09:36
Jun 18 15:13
@Tiffany o/
Jun 18 08:59
About 3 years I suppose, how's everyone?
Jun 18 08:56
Here after I don't know how many years
May 8, 2021 19:13
@CharlesSprayberry so about the vcr library, does it automatically invalidate the cache or do I have to manually do that every once in a while?
May 8, 2021 18:49
The caching library seems like a good approach to start with. That would save me the trouble of writing two sets of tests.
May 8, 2021 18:46
@CharlesSprayberry Right, that's what I am worried about. Even though my tests will keep passing, I wouldn't actually know something has broken until it actual breaks :/
May 8, 2021 18:41
So I have a class that abstracts API calls to an external REST endpoint. I want to make sure it works with the API, so I have mocked the response from the API and wrote the tests. However, I also want to verify that the actual API (which is running in a sandboxed qa environment) works with the code. Should I be writing a separate set of tests for it?
May 7, 2021 16:24
@MarkR the AZ vaccine has been injected in more than 100 mil Indians so far :D
May 1, 2021 05:31
We are in crisis with the Covid-19 pandemic in India. Our medical systems are on the verge of collapse with vaccine, oxygen and drug shortages. Send your prayers and help this way :)
Apr 8, 2021 18:58
On the read side, I'll have a read model derived from those events, so when an update is made a denormalized form of the db is updated for optimized reading and there will be a separate db on the write side. What is typically stored on the write side? The event store? Or something like an updated consistent state?
Apr 8, 2021 18:58
Hi, I'm trying to understand Event Sourcing and CQRS and applying it with php. I understand that there has to be an event store where all the truth will persist forever and events will trigger services based on events.
Feb 23, 2021 15:47
In mysql, if I have a SELECT query with many inner joins. And two of the tables in the joins have a column that I want to do a WHERE column NOT IN (). Is there any difference in performance on which one I use for the WHERE clause?
Dec 24, 2020 14:59
Hi, suppose I have two apps A and B. B requires some permission from A to access data, so everytime B needs to display that data to the user, they are redirected to A. Now, A on successful authentication, redirects to B with a GET request param which contains a unique code that B stores in the client side. That value is checked in B before sending any output to the user. Now, if the session between B and the user were to be hijacked, is there a chance that the unique code may also be exposed?
The user has to send the unique code with every request to prove that the user was authenticated by A.
Oct 28, 2020 19:40
@Danack I will keep that in mind, "which do you want us to work on first?" sounds like a good question to ask back.
Oct 28, 2020 19:39
@PeeHaa Yeah, I did figure something similar would make sense.
Oct 28, 2020 19:36
And if I still see this is a lot of task, I'd need to talk to my team lead to help me prioritize the tasks or update the scope of the project if it's really that overwhelming.
Oct 28, 2020 19:36
I said something like, I'd look for the easier tasks, do them first and deal with the bigger ones later. Then I asked if I have someone else who can help me out, and they said that I have a colleague who's free. So, I said, "well, if the work is unbalanced and they're free, I'd ask them to do some of the easy quick stuff while I deal with the harder ones".
Oct 28, 2020 19:29
So I recently had an SDE interview (managerial round), where they asked me that if on a given day I had an overwhelming number of high priority tasks, how I would approach the tasks. Can anyone pitch in how one should actually handle this in a real life situation and also how to answer something like that in an interview?
Oct 5, 2020 07:39
The day's being extremely slow at my end
Oct 5, 2020 07:38
Oct 4, 2020 21:00
@Wes Decision logs come handy in these times :D
Oct 3, 2020 21:37
@Ocramius With a bigger board hopefully :D
Oct 3, 2020 21:16
Oct 3, 2020 16:59
Watching @Ocramius's talk on CQRS/Event Sourcing, it's great! :D
Sep 30, 2020 19:52
@StatikStasis Congratulations Statik! \o/
Sep 29, 2020 13:26
@Wes Why tho?
Sep 29, 2020 13:12
Do we have a stream type?
Sep 29, 2020 05:50
@PeeHaa Sorry, I was too tired and fell asleep. :(
Sep 28, 2020 19:58
@LeviMorrison I am interested to know your thoughts, I may be missing something.
Sep 28, 2020 19:56
Well, it felt weird at the beginning, but again most Java DI frameworks like Guice and Spring made things really easy. Didn't develop any strong opinions.
Sep 28, 2020 19:55
@LeviMorrison Yea, all injections in Java use the @Inject annotation. Field injections are generally discouraged, but it's how the java community does it with ctors.
Sep 28, 2020 19:54
@LeviMorrison Could you tell me why you think it's not the right way to inject dependencies?
Sep 28, 2020 19:52
@LeviMorrison Isn't this how Java does it?


Dedicated to the discussion of the Java programming language a...
Jul 3 18:05
Is this chat dead?
Jul 26, 2021 19:38
Hi, I've been running into a lot of out of memory error heap running out issues lately with my heavy usage of jackson. We have instances where we have to serialize pojos into strings for storing in jedis and we use jackson's writeValueAsString() method. How can I optimize it?
Jun 18, 2021 18:22
Yes, there shouldn't be. No copy operation in there.
Jun 18, 2021 18:21
Right, I guess that clears it. Thanks.
Jun 18, 2021 18:20
How unoptimized would the first version be if the JVM isn't very smart?
Jun 18, 2021 18:19
In Java is a method like this:

SomeClass doSomething(SomeClass data) {
    return data;

costlier than:

void doSomething(SomeClass data) {
May 22, 2021 15:29
Well, that's a fail for the OakBot developer.
May 22, 2021 15:28
This is what I am using to load them: Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(Objects.requireNonNull(clazz.getClassLoader().getResource(filePath)).toURI()))
May 22, 2021 15:28
Hi, I have a set of files in my src/main/resources directory that are loaded for some operations. However, when I try to run tests on the classes that use those resources, they are fetched from the src/test/resources, which is what I would expect for most of my resources, but how do I ensure that some resources are always fetched from src/main?