Can anyone mention a good resource for getting up to speed with that (which ideally doesn't treat me like a kid and start by explaining what are data types and that C++ has int, float blah blah blah)
Hey all, I'm a C++ newbie. I know Python and Java decently well, but C++ is a bit difficult for me to get the hang of, mostly the pointers and memory allocations/de-allocations
Can anyone mention a good resource for getting up to speed with that (which ideally doesn't treat me like a kid and start by explaining what are data types and that C++ has int, float blah blah blah)
Hey all, I'm a C++ newbie. I know Python and Java decently well, but C++ is a bit difficult for me to get the hang of, mostly the pointers and memory allocations/de-allocations
And the += in Java is just syntactic sugar rather than an atomic expression since it returned a 3063 when I ran it on an online Java compiler and the GNU openJDK. (I didn't do it in an IDE)
int x=13,y=20; x+= ++x + ++x + 150*y + ++y; I'm getting different answers for this in C and in Java Can anyone explain why? C gives the result as 3066 Java returns 3063 I'm new to C but relatively familiar with Java