Rudrani Angira


Room rules: Code formatting guide: tinyu...
Mar 10, 2017 21:57
@davidism Thank you very much . Got it working !!
Mar 10, 2017 21:04
I get it . Thank you
Mar 10, 2017 21:03
Mar 10, 2017 21:02
Should I be cloning the repository? I am quite new to working with open source projects
Mar 10, 2017 21:01
which leaves me clueless
Mar 10, 2017 21:01
Yes I am following and it mentioned to install dependencies using "pip install scrapy lxml sqlalchemy" and then I installed the extension "editThisCookie" . After which the instruction just mentioned to save "youtube_cookie.json" in "this directory" .
Mar 10, 2017 20:58
Hello everyone , Could anyone please have a look at and tell me where I am supposed to save "Youtube_cookies.json" as I havnet really cloned anything from here


General discussions about the c# language, Squirrels |
Sep 23, 2016 20:01
Any suggestions?
Sep 23, 2016 20:01
Hello everyone. I have a question. How do i send a "TexBoxFor" field value in a razor page to the controller. It works with "EditorFor" but I specifically want to work with TextBoxFor as I have to make that field readonly.
May 28, 2016 01:53
@TomW Thanks Tom . I will definitely try setting accept in header.
May 27, 2016 20:28
Should I set Accept as well
May 27, 2016 20:28
@TomW I have set contentType :'application/json'
May 27, 2016 20:06
can anyone suggest what can i do about it
May 27, 2016 20:06
May 27, 2016 20:06
but now i have a completely different issue. ajax returns <html> instead of json
May 27, 2016 20:05
@techspider i was able to resolve that by [DatabaseGenerated(DatabaseGeneratedOption.None)] in the model class .
May 27, 2016 20:04
@techspider its int
May 27, 2016 15:42
can anyone redirect to right room. I see entity framework only in this room
May 27, 2016 15:38
I know its a very small problem. Please suggest if I am missing something
May 27, 2016 15:38
this is my controller code
May 27, 2016 15:38
 public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "EmployeeId,Name,Gender,City")] Employee employee)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)

                return RedirectToAction("Index");

            return View(employee);
May 27, 2016 15:37
but now when the data gets inserted in database . the Employee id goes as null . But I am able to view the numerical value for employeeId in watch. It is of integer type
May 27, 2016 15:36
I was able to resolve it through a minor change where I made change in .cshtml file and i replaced it with <div class="editor-field">
        <select data-bind="value: Gender ">
            <option value="Male">Element 1</option>
            <option value="Female">Element 2</option>
May 27, 2016 15:35
I posted it few minutes back
May 27, 2016 15:35
Could you please have a look at this question
May 27, 2016 15:35
Q: Unable to bind <select> in cshtml file with knockout ViewModel

Rudrani AngiraThis is my ViewModel code var urlPath = window.location.pathname; $(function () { ko.applyBindings( CreateVM); }); var CreateVM = { EmployeeId : ko.observable(), Name : ko.observable(), Genders: ko.observableArray(["Male", "Female"]), Gender: ko.observable(), City:ko.observab...

May 27, 2016 15:34
Please excuse me .I am here for first time . Can I post the code here as well where I have a problem
May 27, 2016 15:32
It will be great if someone can please guide me through
May 27, 2016 15:32
Hello everyone I need urgent help with a small problem . Its with ASP.NET MVC 5 where I am using a ViewModel (knockout)


Welcome to ASP.Net Room. Don't ask to ask just ask your questi...
Jun 8, 2016 15:42
What i get is a datepicker but i need a datetimepicker
Jun 8, 2016 15:42
Hi . Can anyone please help me with Bootstrap datetimepicker in MVC 5


Got a SQL question? Any SQL flavor here, just ask. Indicate yo...
Jun 3, 2016 13:47
I am trying to access the database through C# code in VS. It is picking the credentials from Configuration file
Jun 3, 2016 13:46
Also the connection has been successfully tested in visual studio.
Jun 3, 2016 13:45
Please excuse me for the description of the issue. The error number is 18456. 'Login failed for user'. I would also like to share that this user was working fine yesterday.
Jun 3, 2016 13:40
Could anyone please suggest how can I resolve this
Jun 3, 2016 13:40
I created a user yesterday on local server for SQL Server 2014 and it was working fine yesterday . But today the login fails everytime my code tries to access the database
Jun 3, 2016 13:39
Hello everyone. I have a question.