but its look like every test - i should init my small sdk. And its instrumental test , my device going crazy with screen . its show on 0.01 second and closed. I cant understand how to set wait screen
Unbelivable , im going by tutorial , official tutorial and i got error on line @RunWith(AndroidJUnit4.class) why why its happened ? If use JUnit4.class than no error. But instrumentation not working. omg 9((((
i trying to use ur example : i get this error java.lang.IllegalStateException: No instrumentation registered! Must run under a registering instrumentation. Realy i dont undertand how to run them.
i not found code.. or found and have error with textwatcher.. i tried again and play with flags.. and don't know why - but et1.setInputType(InputType.TYPE_CLASS_NUMBER | InputType.TYPE_NUMBER_FLAG_DECIMAL); this work perfectly for keyboard.. but on virtual keyboard i can't input dot(period/point . )
@Hiral thank you very much.. i will try it (need first foudn some code) .. also if it's help me.. post some words about textwatcher in my question.. and if i found solution with textwatcher. i accpeted u