
Don't say hi. Don't ask questions. Don't have fun. Don't do an...
Jul 19, 2011 11:23
guys, no idea about my question?
Jul 19, 2011 11:14
Q: How to reverse the direction of marquee of a TextView

KhawarI want to reverse the direction of marquee in the TextView. By default, the text moves from Right to Left, I want it to move from Left to Right. How can I do this?

Jul 15, 2011 10:10
Q: How to reverse the direction of marquee of a TextView

KhawarI want to reverse the direction of marquee in the TextView. By default, the text moves from Left to Right, I want it to move from Right to Left. How can I do this?

Jul 14, 2011 12:30
Q: Get Notified after 1st rotation of Text in Text View(ellipsize="marquee") in Android

KhawarWhat I have: I have a TextView with Ellipsize = Marquee. The textview's focus is true, so that I don't have to focus it manually, to start the text rotation. What I want: I want to do some operation when the 1st rotation of the text is complete. e.g. I want to show a toast or change the text of...

Jul 14, 2011 06:41
Q: Get Notified after 1st rotation of Text in Text View(ellipsize="marquee") in Android

KhawarWhat I have: I have a TextView with Ellipsize = Marquee. The textview's focus is true, so that I don't have to focus it manually, to start the text rotation. What I want: I want to do some operation when the 1st rotation of the text is complete. e.g. I want to show a toast or change the text of...

Jul 13, 2011 05:43
Yup, but I think It should be do-able...
Jul 13, 2011 05:39
Q: Get Notified after 1st rotation of Text in Text View(ellipsize="marquee") in Android

KhawarWhat I have: I have a TextView with Ellipsize = Marquee. The textview's focus is true, so that I don't have to focus it manually, to start the text rotation. What I want: I want to do some operation when the 1st rotation of the text is complete. e.g. I want to show a toast or change the text of...

Jun 7, 2011 06:14
Q: How to restore MMS in Android-2.2?

KhawarWhat I want: I want to restore MMS. What I have: I have restored SMS successfully, that was quiet easy. I am trying to restore MMS using same code/technique by changing the URI etc in SMS code. I think this is not the right way to achieve this task. What is the problem: The problem is that I ...

Jun 2, 2011 14:35
ok, so no thoughts... =(
Jun 2, 2011 14:30
@OctavianDamiean any thoughts.....
Jun 2, 2011 14:26
With reference to my above question, Could anybody tell me what is this: "You need to build the CalendarProvider from sources and install it. It has the APIs which will allow you to save the events into the calendar." I am quoting this from some user here on SO who gave it as answer and it got accepted....
Jun 2, 2011 14:24
Q: Adding Calendar and events in Android 2.2

KhawarWhat I want: I want to add calendar events in Android 2.2. What I Have: I have added an event using the below code Uri calendars = Uri.parse("content://"); Cursor managedCursor = managedQuery(calendars, null, null, null, null); startManagingCursor(man...


 Android discussion

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Jul 19, 2011 11:23
guys, no idea on my question stated above?
Jul 19, 2011 11:12
Q: How to reverse the direction of marquee of a TextView

KhawarI want to reverse the direction of marquee in the TextView. By default, the text moves from Right to Left, I want it to move from Left to Right. How can I do this?

Jul 15, 2011 10:09
Q: How to reverse the direction of marquee of a TextView

KhawarI want to reverse the direction of marquee in the TextView. By default, the text moves from Left to Right, I want it to move from Right to Left. How can I do this?

Jul 14, 2011 12:30
Q: Get Notified after 1st rotation of Text in Text View(ellipsize="marquee") in Android

KhawarWhat I have: I have a TextView with Ellipsize = Marquee. The textview's focus is true, so that I don't have to focus it manually, to start the text rotation. What I want: I want to do some operation when the 1st rotation of the text is complete. e.g. I want to show a toast or change the text of...

Jul 14, 2011 06:41
Q: Get Notified after 1st rotation of Text in Text View(ellipsize="marquee") in Android

KhawarWhat I have: I have a TextView with Ellipsize = Marquee. The textview's focus is true, so that I don't have to focus it manually, to start the text rotation. What I want: I want to do some operation when the 1st rotation of the text is complete. e.g. I want to show a toast or change the text of...

Jul 13, 2011 05:42
Q: Get Notified after 1st rotation of Text in Text View(ellipsize="marquee") in Android

KhawarWhat I have: I have a TextView with Ellipsize = Marquee. The textview's focus is true, so that I don't have to focus it manually, to start the text rotation. What I want: I want to do some operation when the 1st rotation of the text is complete. e.g. I want to show a toast or change the text of...


Android Updates

welcome friends. In this room you will get latest updates abou...
Jul 15, 2011 10:11
Q: How to reverse the direction of marquee of a TextView

KhawarI want to reverse the direction of marquee in the TextView. By default, the text moves from Left to Right, I want it to move from Right to Left. How can I do this?

Jul 14, 2011 12:31
Q: Get Notified after 1st rotation of Text in Text View(ellipsize="marquee") in Android

KhawarWhat I have: I have a TextView with Ellipsize = Marquee. The textview's focus is true, so that I don't have to focus it manually, to start the text rotation. What I want: I want to do some operation when the 1st rotation of the text is complete. e.g. I want to show a toast or change the text of...

Jul 14, 2011 06:40
Q: Get Notified after 1st rotation of Text in Text View(ellipsize="marquee") in Android

KhawarWhat I have: I have a TextView with Ellipsize = Marquee. The textview's focus is true, so that I don't have to focus it manually, to start the text rotation. What I want: I want to do some operation when the 1st rotation of the text is complete. e.g. I want to show a toast or change the text of...

Jul 13, 2011 05:41
Q: Get Notified after 1st rotation of Text in Text View(ellipsize="marquee") in Android

KhawarWhat I have: I have a TextView with Ellipsize = Marquee. The textview's focus is true, so that I don't have to focus it manually, to start the text rotation. What I want: I want to do some operation when the 1st rotation of the text is complete. e.g. I want to show a toast or change the text of...

Jun 7, 2011 06:16
Q: How to restore MMS in Android-2.2?

KhawarWhat I want: I want to restore MMS. What I have: I have restored SMS successfully, that was quiet easy. I am trying to restore MMS using same code/technique by changing the URI etc in SMS code. I think this is not the right way to achieve this task. What is the problem: The problem is that I ...