512cdd336f85 testdocker "tail -f /dev/null" About a minute ago Up About a minute 443/tcp,>80/tcp dockercompose11663815803252184951_testdocker_1
I'm building an application Asp.net core 1.1 with localization by URL.
I uploaded the solution to https://github.com/hoangnguyenxuan/Spouse/tree/master/VoiConShop
Everything is running without any errors. However, It's just English culture running now.
If this is illegal for just posting the li...
Thanks @jaunvan, I'd been following this for a long time. I did some examples but not work. Now I need an example runs as well. I also got source code from MS. But need to add many references. This make mad because I'm a newbie on this.
Reason why bindKeys doesn't work
$(selector).jqGrid("bindKeys", { "onEnter": function (rowid) { alert("You enter a row with id:" + rowid) } });
If I use sortableRows
this is jqGrid 4.6.0