
Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
Sep 23, 2015 09:32
I have used Dart. But they should make it easier to use javascript code.
Sep 23, 2015 09:22
@Kasper but your todomvc is quite nice, I'm also thinking about learning angular2.
Sep 23, 2015 09:21
And besides that, the node.js ecosystem is gigantic compared with the dart ecosystem.
Sep 23, 2015 09:20
@Kasper Dart is a nice language. But I'm not sure if it has that much value compared with ES7 + typescript.
Sep 23, 2015 09:17
@BenFortune Google has quite some plans with Dart. They want to use Dart for writing android apps. They have switched their focus a little bit.