
Because you rock when you don't block
Mar 27, 2016 07:17
When should I use grant.js over passport.js?
Mar 27, 2016 07:17
What's the difference between passport.js and grant.js?


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
Mar 23, 2016 03:09
In restful they don't
Mar 23, 2016 03:09
But in SOAP they did right?
Mar 23, 2016 03:09
oh so the server doesn't store any state
Mar 23, 2016 03:08
For Node.js, can you give an example of when I login and what the server actually does in terms of "authenticated: true"
Mar 23, 2016 03:08
@Meredith Can you elaborate on "JWT is meant to be stateless on the server"
Mar 23, 2016 00:47
can someone explain it to me at a conceptual level
Mar 23, 2016 00:47
hey guys, I'm trying to wrap my head around the concept of JWT (JSON web tokens) vs. sessions
Sep 27, 2015 06:38
Sep 26, 2015 16:06
I did that, still no luck
Sep 26, 2015 15:59
a welcome message from the "FirstController"
Sep 26, 2015 15:59
I'm trying to load a welcome message but its not working
Sep 26, 2015 15:59
How about now
Sep 26, 2015 15:28
I did import js files
Sep 26, 2015 15:28
sorry dievardump, didn't see earlier messages
Sep 26, 2015 15:24
AngularJS directive ng-model being used but not working :S
Sep 26, 2015 15:23
can anyone help me with why this is not working
Sep 26, 2015 07:33
its not working
Sep 26, 2015 07:32
can someone help me?
Sep 26, 2015 06:44
I transferred it over. I'm getting {{demo}}
Sep 26, 2015 06:44
No problem
Sep 26, 2015 06:37
oh! thanks
Sep 26, 2015 06:36
What's wrong with my code? It's showing {{demo}} instead of "demo" value


angular.module("ng-chat", ['stackoverflow'])
Feb 13, 2016 23:42
can anyone help me with angular UI bootstrap modals

HTML / CSS / WebDesign

This room is now defunct. RIP.
Oct 17, 2015 00:25
I'm trying to center two div's in a container div that fills up the viewing screen.
Here's what I've done so far, any suggestions or hint?
Sep 30, 2015 13:23
Change to img tag?
Sep 30, 2015 13:23
@cimmanon what do you mean
Sep 30, 2015 13:19
36 more months left of professional experience for me to be a certified engineer so I'll pass on the blame
Sep 30, 2015 13:17
@rlemon Sorry man! Blame the MTO for their inefficiencies :p
Sep 30, 2015 13:17
I just used it without thinking - a hindsight.
Sep 30, 2015 13:16
and umm I actually googled how to put icons and I think stackoverflow member gave me a code with input tag
Sep 30, 2015 13:16
Sep 30, 2015 13:15
hmm so you are suggesting I use img tag right
Sep 30, 2015 13:08
Should I be using input tag or img tag
Sep 30, 2015 13:07
Hey everyone, I'm working on my portfolio website and I think the way I'm inserting my icons is wrong. Also, I am trying to align the icons in both sides of "Under Construction" header. Here is the link to my code:
Sep 30, 2015 12:54
ok one sec
Sep 29, 2015 04:08
hmm okay
Sep 29, 2015 04:07
maybe a hint
Sep 29, 2015 04:07
I'm trying to figure out what's the best way forward
Sep 29, 2015 04:07
loll no worries I'm not necessarily asking for a quick fix solution
Sep 29, 2015 04:06
What if I want to animate it using svg?
Sep 29, 2015 04:06
Inside the "startups" box I want to have that
Sep 29, 2015 04:02
How do I do this on HTML using CSS?

CSS & SVG Shapes and Designs

Here we're all about making the most out of CSS, SVG, creating...
Sep 26, 2015 06:36
How long has stackoverflow chat been open for?