iPhone / iPad

Apple iOS development chat. This room has a FAQ at ios-develop...
Oct 8, 2011 15:31
Sorry - i looked at it, but can't help
Oct 8, 2011 15:08
@Sham - hey - I'm a long time windows dev still struggling with xcode etc.
Aug 29, 2011 22:05
Provisioning problem has me stumped - have tried MANY options found here etc. - Question = Do I have to have a trusted Root Certificate? It's self signed.

 Android discussion

This room is for Android discussion and it is language indepen...
Aug 30, 2011 03:46
I'm torn between engineering servo levers or looking for more accurate servos. Right now I'm pointing at a world map and only get about 40pts of accuracy across and about 60 up/down
Aug 30, 2011 03:45
I just built my kewlest Arduino project yet... not super original, just a laser turret, but it freaking WORKS! Freaking LASER BEAMS! I need to get it more accurate.


Don't say hi. Don't ask questions. Don't have fun. Don't do an...
Aug 24, 2011 23:35
When I hit "Build and Run" I get errored with 'the iPhone "iPhone" doesn't have the provisioining profile with which the application was signed." I click "Install and RUn" and then get the "valid prov. prof. for this exe does not exist"
Aug 24, 2011 23:33
Up against a "a valid provisioning profile for this executable does not exist" problem. I've tried about ten different answers I've found here and other intertubes. What's maybe unique on my setup is I'm trying to run an app I haven't worked on in about 3 months. I've followed the standard instructions to the T - and it still happens. Restored the iPhone and an iPad. Restarted xCode etc.
Feb 23, 2011 16:42
The numbers need to be renedered at specific co-ords above the background image
Feb 23, 2011 16:42
I'm basically trying to create a baseball scoreboard with a background image and numbers floating above it
Feb 23, 2011 16:42
Looking for some advice on layout - using an existing viewGroup, extended one or creating my own
Feb 16, 2011 03:53
I'm still trying to figure out how to get my layout editor to go landscape
Feb 16, 2011 03:53
hey HEY from New Hampster
Feb 16, 2011 01:54
And I can't create any Device Configurations.
Feb 16, 2011 01:54
And I'm in the situation where my Devices dropdown on the layout screen is empty...
Feb 16, 2011 01:54
Found a couple instances of this problem...
Feb 16, 2011 01:54
hey HEY: Trying to get my layout editor to be landscape...
Dec 6, 2010 18:30
Invitations? Removed messages? What did I miss? Stupid lunch.
Dec 6, 2010 17:24
@OctavianDamiean usually proximity sensor is just to tell if you're holding it against your head
Dec 6, 2010 17:21
Any idea what devices will ship with NFC first? My mind is spinning with app ideas for that
Dec 6, 2010 16:34
re: Gingerbread release: I'm pretty interested/excited about the NFC stuff - see this page : developer.android.com/reference/android/nfc/package-descr.html and a wiki on NFC in general en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Near_field_communication - I read this as: Cell phone replaces Credit Card
Dec 3, 2010 01:24
I'm confused by the "Somewhere within the project tag" comment
Dec 3, 2010 01:24
You’re not done yet. Somewhere within the project tag add the reference to our entity to include our script.

<project name="MyProjectName" default="help">
Dec 3, 2010 01:24
And the one step I'm blocked at is:
Dec 3, 2010 01:23
Dec 3, 2010 01:23
Maybe wrong spot to ask - but I'm trying to obfuscate my code - and need a little help with an ant build.xml file...


Cocoa, Cocoa Touch Development
Dec 12, 2010 23:10
I have a struct in another class - I want to access it... but the whole objective C layer has me cornfused.
Dec 12, 2010 23:09
Actually - I can't figure out how to accomplish some data access... pastebin.com/3fhBcGZZ
Dec 12, 2010 23:09
Help help I'm being repressed.
Dec 7, 2010 19:34
Is it "correct" (acceptable) to copy these librarys into projects? Seems a little hard to maintain.
Dec 7, 2010 19:29
I'm able to SVN checkout both... but I'm not sure where to PUT their code so I can reference it in a way that's logical and maintainable.
Dec 7, 2010 19:28
Which depends on this libraryL: code.google.com/p/cocoaasyncsocket
Dec 7, 2010 19:28
I'm developing an app and want to use this library: code.google.com/p/ios-ntp
Dec 7, 2010 19:28
Looking for advice on folder-structuring and library placement...
Dec 7, 2010 01:38
Just delete it from the documents folder it was created in?
Dec 7, 2010 01:38
So - best way to completely DELETE a failed app attempt?
Dec 7, 2010 01:37
I'm about the start over - learning curve on this whole thing is a mess - I've got a bunch of other platforms "under my belt" kinda thing - have android apps deployed etc... but this is kicking my butt.
Dec 7, 2010 01:36
For this app I haven't touched the app delegate - it's boilerplate
Dec 7, 2010 01:36
difficult: This window's on my PC - doing dev on the mac...
Dec 7, 2010 01:33
The simulator starts to launch the app, screen goes black for a sec, then goes back to main menu (list of apps) - this means it crashed right?
Dec 7, 2010 01:30
found the X on the association (not sure it's called an association)
Dec 7, 2010 01:29
How do I "undo" an outlet association?
Dec 7, 2010 01:28
It is sort of confidental - but I'm seriously so new to iPhone dev there's nothing interesting in the app yet
Dec 7, 2010 01:28
After hitting APPLE-RUN where does it show errors?
Dec 7, 2010 01:27
Looking for good place to put a breakpoint - It's a VERY basic app so far - just a single NIB with a view that I'm trying to tie to the controller - I 'think' that's where the problem is
Dec 7, 2010 01:14
Noob here: a few steps into creating my first app and when I launch it closes right away - so I'm debugging and find myself in what looks like assembler code... is this normal?
Dec 6, 2010 18:37
I applied for Dev program as a company - and don't have my paperwork done yet. I'd like to revoke that application and apply as an individual - any advice on that?
Dec 3, 2010 18:06
I also support @Vladimir in the long and meaningful name department - I think I read somewhere that 80% of good coding is naming things right.
Dec 3, 2010 17:59
Dec 3, 2010 16:47
easy question: I just downloaded the MoveMe sample app - it's in my downloads folder - where would you recommend I move it to before opening it?