Siddharth Dubey


It's a bin, for binning things.
May 9, 2015 22:56
hey all thanks to all the help that I got from stackoverflow, I was able to come up with this script:… .. thanks everyone, I literally learned basic python for networking in a few days
May 9, 2015 17:59
do lists in python store elements in the same order they were added? and can we store info in te form of pairs? For example: ap.append((client,add)) ? And if I were to compare each pair with new incoming client and add values then how would I do that?

 Python Ouroboros - The Rotating Knives

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May 10, 2015 03:40
does anyone care to shed some thoughts on this>…
May 9, 2015 22:54
hey all thanks to all the help that I got from stackoverflow, I was able to come up with this script: .. thanks everyone, I literally learned basic python for networking in a few days
May 9, 2015 17:56
do lists store elements in the same order they were added? and can we store info in te form of pairs? For example: ap.append((client,add)) ? And if I were to compare each pair with new incoming client and add values then how would I do that?