Jun 1, 2015 11:20
Google Maps somehow solved this, their volume buttons always change the "volume" volume instead of the ringtone even when no sound is playing from Google Maps. I know this can be "fixed" by playing a silent sound all the time but that's a hack and i want to avoid that at all costs.
Jun 1, 2015 11:20
Hi, I am working on a navigation app which sometimes plays voice instructions. While the instructions play the volume buttons change the "Volume" volume, but when the instruction stops and the user tries to adjust the volume it will change the ringtone volume which is not the behaviour we want.
May 28, 2015 08:25
To avoid having this after type checking is already done [(HITMapRealestateAnnotation *)annotation setSelected:NO];
May 28, 2015 08:24
@SKT I wanted to shoehorn swifts if let into obj-c :)
May 28, 2015 08:20
@SKT will do in the future, gave up on that macro for now
May 28, 2015 08:10
Any ideas how this could be done?
May 28, 2015 08:09
I know the type check isn't in there yet, working on that
May 28, 2015 08:06


Message Bin
May 28, 2015 08:09
Invoked like this

ifLet(annotation, ^void(HITMapRealestateAnnotation *annotation) {
[annotation setSelected:NO];

It produces a warning about casting obj to the specific class
May 28, 2015 08:08
Currently have a macro that looks like this

#define ifLet(obj, block) if((block)) { block(obj); }
May 28, 2015 08:07
With something nicer
May 28, 2015 08:07
Ive been thinking about replacing this ugly code

if ([annotation isKindOfClass:HITMapRealestateAnnotation.class]) {
[(HITMapRealestateAnnotation *)annotation setSelected:YES];