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A general room for discussion of all things about and related ...
Apr 22, 2016 14:43
Live and learn as usual
Apr 22, 2016 14:43
Certainly. I didn't know that FAQ existed.
Apr 22, 2016 14:42
My bad :)
Apr 22, 2016 14:42
Apr 22, 2016 14:41
Q: applying function in a for loop give error, but passing it 1 by 1 to objects works.

ChristopherI have a dataframe that I have split into a list of data frames based on one of the variables. The data frame is called 'SLOTS_BY_PROV' I would like to run the same glm on each data frame inside that list. First I use the drop levels to drop levels from each sub data frame that don't exist in tha...

Apr 22, 2016 14:37
I know we press cntrl (some key) to get highlighted text to indent 4 spaces, I can't remember what key to press at the moment
Apr 22, 2016 14:37
Mar 29, 2016 23:37
Mar 29, 2016 23:36
You are a saint!
Mar 29, 2016 23:36
If you are ever bored, late at night, and feel like annotating and "desciribing" the code to me, feel free to do it and email it. I would love to understand it line by line someday
Mar 29, 2016 23:35
Ok, how can I dump off my reputation points to you!
Mar 29, 2016 23:34
Now I have to beef it up for 100,000 sims to estimate Pi (1st order inclusion prob.) then when I actually use a metric (in this case it was RPD) I will do like 5000 or 10,000 sims to generate the horvitz thompson means
Mar 29, 2016 23:33
I would be working on the problem for so long, and end up changing so many things I would get lost and when I changed things other errors would start up and I would forget the original problem
Mar 29, 2016 23:32
yea, it got to the point were it was over my head, and I knew it.
Mar 29, 2016 23:32
it Works
Mar 29, 2016 23:32
Mar 29, 2016 23:32
Mar 29, 2016 23:29
I don't even recognize it now :)
Mar 29, 2016 23:29
oh, strata is changed
Mar 29, 2016 23:28
was that the only problem?
Mar 29, 2016 23:28
I had thought about moving reachID until after removing NA columns
Mar 29, 2016 23:28
Mar 29, 2016 23:14
ah, ok good.
Mar 29, 2016 23:12
Did you get the script I sent you called Error_Help
Mar 29, 2016 23:11
If a stream has only 1 reach in then entire stream, then the mean (regardless of sampling rate) is Y/Pi (divided by 1, but obviously it is just Y/PI)
Mar 29, 2016 23:10
so obviously, if we only have one reach that is selected then the mean for that sample is (Y/Pi) / total number of reaches in that stream.
Mar 29, 2016 23:09
even thought the amount of reaches in each stream is different, they are used to calculate 1 mean for the entire stream.
Mar 29, 2016 23:09
Mar 29, 2016 22:40
Only tried to use 3 different sampling rates, and 1000 sims to make it small and easier to go through
Mar 29, 2016 22:40
Error: wrong result size (16), expected 11 or 1
Mar 29, 2016 22:40
## Read in Data on reaches for generating 1st order probabilities
reach.dat <- read.csv("reachdat.csv")

#add a column for stream ID
reach.dat$streamID <- as.numeric(reach.dat$stream)

#add a column for reach ID
reach.dat$reachID <- 1:nrow(reach.dat)

#add probabilities of selecting each reach, within each stream (prop to length)
length.totals <- reach.dat %>%
  group_by(stream) %>%
  summarise(totals = sum(length))

reach.dat <- merge(reach.dat, length.totals, by  = "stream")

reach.dat$length.probs <- with(reach.dat, length/totals)
Mar 29, 2016 22:39
and still got the original error
Mar 29, 2016 22:39
I tired the brute force way
Mar 29, 2016 21:48
at sampling rate n25.26, 4 reaches are randomly sampled from the first stream. For each one of these sampled reaches, there is a Y value, and Pi Value. To come up with our mean for this stream we take y/pi for each of the 4 selected reaches and sum them. Then we divide that by the number of reaches in that stream
Mar 29, 2016 21:46
so continuing with the previous example....
Mar 29, 2016 21:46
for each reach, we have a Y-value, and a Pi value associated with that particular reach
Mar 29, 2016 21:45
so for n25.26, for the first stream we are randomly selecting 4 reaches, and coming up with a mean for that stream, then the next stream we randomly select 2 reaches, and come up with a mean for that stream..... and so on
Mar 29, 2016 21:44
the only thing that changes is how many "reaches" we are sampling to calculate that stream level mean.
Mar 29, 2016 21:44
sampling rate of n1.6, we get a mean for each stream, same at sampling rate 25.26
Mar 29, 2016 21:43
the mean is computed for the stream, at that sampling rate.
Mar 29, 2016 21:42
yea, there should defintely be 16 rows for every n1.6, n7.8, n9.10 ........ and so on.
Mar 29, 2016 21:39
gothca, ok
Mar 29, 2016 21:37
oh, each stream has 1 size (number of reaches) per a given sample (sampling rate, for example n15)
Mar 29, 2016 21:30
ht.fun <- function(sample.n, pi.n) {
  apply(sample.n, 2, function(ind) { <----RIGHT HERE AND,
    df <- data.frame(pi.n[ind],
                     reach.dat[ind, "y"],
                     reach.dat[ind, "stream"], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    df$size <- num.reaches[df$stream]
    df <- df %>% group_by(stream) %>%
             mean=total/size[1]) <---------RIGHT HERE
Mar 29, 2016 21:30
I am not sure what the 2 is doing or the 1 is doing in this function
Mar 29, 2016 21:12
hopefully that made sense :/
Mar 29, 2016 20:59
then we can divide that total by how many reaches are found in the stream, to get a estimate of the mean
Mar 29, 2016 20:58
and that gives us a "total" for that sampling rate on that stream.
Mar 29, 2016 20:57
then that sum(y/pi) would be the result for sampling rate n17.18 for Brooks creek
Mar 29, 2016 20:56
for each of those 3 reaches, you have a Y value, and a PI value. You get a Y/pi for each of those three reaches