

General discussions about the c# language, Squirrels |
Nov 17, 2017 21:07
@Sidney thanks @sid
Nov 16, 2017 19:21
Hi, can anybody tell me the main role of c# in many fields and popular field it's used? I recently came to know that UNITY uses C# for game development, not to mention it's set foot in mobile development, wil c# alone be sufficient for me to survive in the industry. I worked as developer for 2 years, mainly I worked with ado and controlling the program flow, how easy is it for me to get into c#

VBA Lounge

Used for extended discussion around VBA related tags, and a bi...
Nov 16, 2016 19:15
hmm..I guess so.That makes sense.
Nov 16, 2016 19:01
any idea on how long is vb going to be on market