May 20, 2017 18:35
The correct way is not to compare signed and unsigned.
Dec 8, 2014 20:52
rand() % 20 is not uniform


Today we're daydreaming about C++26 reflection
May 5, 2014 09:28
@Ziv that is cool. just create a script to find all and execute
May 5, 2014 09:25
I remember scons being as bad as makefiles
May 5, 2014 09:22
yeah, ninja is ok. how difficult is it to learn it?
May 5, 2014 09:20
@Ziv cmake is better then plain makefiles
Nov 8, 2013 16:42
@StackedCrooked can't you write it once, and reuse?
Nov 8, 2013 16:27
@BartoszKP yes, one of best technical books I read...
Nov 8, 2013 16:23
@BartoszKP well. it is either that, or they have to accept "yes, this small change request will take a week" instead of "yes, you'll get tomorrow" ;)
Nov 8, 2013 16:21
@BartoszKP you mean "normal managers"... there are other kind (mindless slave drivers)
Nov 7, 2013 08:44
@refp but the static_assert check fails, and the diagnostic is issued. should be fine, no?
Nov 7, 2013 08:42
@refp breaking what rule? it is not obvious what is wrong
Nov 7, 2013 08:00
@MarkGarcia where?
Nov 7, 2013 07:52
@MarkGarcia xinomai kicks treads if they use system calls
Nov 7, 2013 07:47
@MarkGarcia but how to make sure it doesn't use system calls?
Nov 7, 2013 07:44
@MarkGarcia microseconds is enough
Nov 7, 2013 07:43
@LucDanton well, I just need to get some kind of time, that is precise enough
Nov 7, 2013 07:42
@sehe rdtsc instruction?
Nov 7, 2013 07:41
@LucDanton isn't that going to execute a system call?
Nov 7, 2013 07:39
may sound crazy, but is there a way to get time without system calls?
Nov 7, 2013 07:33
@User17 what's with all cats??? o_O
Nov 6, 2013 16:31
@BartekBanachewicz you should open some of old c programs :(
Nov 6, 2013 09:33
@R.MartinhoFernandes From your article, it is about using unique_ptr or shared_ptr (depending whether you need copy or move semantic), and not implementing copy/move constructors and operators+destructor
Nov 6, 2013 08:58
@TonyTheLion some people let the program handle exceptions for them :D
Nov 6, 2013 08:55
@TonyTheLion you need to catch at the point where you know how to handle the error
Nov 6, 2013 08:45
@TonyTheLion LOL? what?
Nov 6, 2013 08:41
@Xeo if you do that, you do need to do the same for other 4
Nov 6, 2013 08:28
without having destructor that is
Nov 6, 2013 08:28
too bad it is not possible to just forward declare whatever goes into unique_ptr
Nov 6, 2013 08:27
ok, right. constructor is not part of rule of 5
Nov 6, 2013 08:26
sorry for double posts, my internet connection is shit today
Nov 6, 2013 08:26
besides, isn't it rule of one? you may need a constructor
Nov 6, 2013 08:24
besides, isn't it rule of one? you may need a constructor
Nov 6, 2013 08:23
there is only one issue with rule of zero : you can not forward declare class for unique_ptr :(
Nov 6, 2013 08:01
@sbi speech? about what? where? when? :)
Nov 6, 2013 08:01
@sbi speech? about what? where? when? :)
Nov 5, 2013 16:32
@MartinJames IC1?
Nov 5, 2013 16:30
@MartinJames as long as they do not use their fists to explain you things, all is fine
Nov 5, 2013 10:41
@wilx as long there is a hole, someone is going to find it
Nov 5, 2013 09:20
I used gtest, and is very good
Nov 5, 2013 09:20
bayern bear bruno would do
Nov 5, 2013 09:16
just try to test short int variable
Nov 5, 2013 09:16
cppunit is really shit
Nov 5, 2013 08:27
@Xeo because his PC is super slow :P
Nov 4, 2013 16:12
@LightnessRacesinOrbit so, what will it be after regex? :)
Nov 4, 2013 16:10
@LightnessRacesinOrbit s/ m/ c/; ???!!??!?
Nov 4, 2013 16:09
@LightnessRacesinOrbit huh?
Nov 4, 2013 14:18
@LightnessRacesinOrbit it takes 5 minutes to create sscee for that. he didn't even bothered to post what he tried
Nov 4, 2013 14:16
@LightnessRacesinOrbit and not class B: private A?


Friendly conversation, including C++ talk — NOT the "Lounge"!
Feb 13, 2014 13:20
how is this different from lounge?