Android Jetpack Navigation, BottomNavigationView with auto fragment back stack on back button click?
What I wanted, after choosing multiple tabs one after another by user and user click on back button app must redirect to the last page he/she opened.
I achieved the same using Android ViewPager,...
Android Jetpack Navigation, BottomNavigationView with auto fragment back stack on back button click?
What I wanted, after choosing multiple tabs one after another by user and user click on back button app must redirect to the last page he/she opened.
I achieved the same using Android ViewPager,...
can anyone answer one of my question related to Android Jetpack ?
Android Jetpack Navigation, BottomNavigationView with auto fragment back stack on back button click?
What I wanted, after choosing multiple tabs one after another by user and user click on back button app must redirect to the last page he/she opened.
I achieved the same using Android ViewPager,...
Android Jetpack Navigation, BottomNavigationView with auto fragment back stack on back button click?
What I wanted, after choosing multiple tabs one after another by user and user click on back button app must redirect to the last page he/she opened.
I achieved the same using Android ViewPager,...
Android Jetpack Navigation, BottomNavigationView with auto fragment back stack on back button click?
What I wanted, after choosing multiple tabs one after another by user and user click on back button app must redirect to the last page he/she opened.
I achieved the same using Android ViewPager,...
can anyone answer one of my question related to Android Jetpack ? Android Jetpack Navigation, BottomNavigationView with Youtube or Instagram like fragment back stack?
can anyone answer one of my question related to Android Jetpack ? 2Stack Overflow Q: Android Jetpack Navigation, BottomNavigationView with Youtube or Instagram like fragment back stack?
Android Jetpack Navigation, BottomNavigationView with Youtube or Instagram like fragment back stack?
Is there anyone who has an idea about this? Anyone who tried this?