Hey. I am getting an issue where only some of the containers with the same class are using the transition and others are just waiting the transition time and not fading. jsfiddle.net/j1wLLgwf
Hey. I'm having an issue with z index and was wondering if anyone would be able to help me out? Basically, I have two elements, one below the other and they have the same z-index and the same properties but one always appears over the other jsfiddle.net/ryanoconr/y6639msy
I thought it would be the best way to see what is happening visually. What would be the best way to share the code as I've not been in the chat before?
@Gordon It's working now thanks. Apparently I now needed to make some changes to the database because fields weren't getting values even though they should have been null. Thanks for your help!
Hey. I'm trying to insert values into my mysql database through PHP but what I'm doing has stopped working. I've recently gone from PHP5 (Working) to PHP7 (Not working) so I was wondering if anyone knows of anything that may have caused it? Here's the code I'm using: jsfiddle.net/9z1xspzx
Hey. I'm trying to use mail() but there are no emails coming through and my network manager is telling me that it has to be in the PHP code even though I can't find anything wrong so I was wondering if anyone would be able to help me with this? Here's the code that I'm using jsfiddle.net/ryanoconr/3o3rfu4k
Hey. I've recently changed the collation for my MySQL database and one of the fields returns to php as blank. I'm not sure if I should ask here or in the MySQL chat but thought I'd check if anyone knows why it does this?
Hey. I've recently changed the collation for my MySQL database and one of the fields returns to php as blank. I'm not sure if I should ask here or in the PHP chat but thought I'd check if anyone knows why it does this?
Hey. I've got some jQuery that I've used before but an if statement doesn't seem to be working. The PHP is returning the value "4" but when I use jQuery to check if it is returning that value, it says it's not. jsfiddle.net/ryanoconr/kgfL36th