Jul 19, 2017 15:43
Jul 19, 2017 15:43
"$is_holiday" = [ "$curr_day" = "${ARR[i]}" ]
Jul 19, 2017 15:42
Does this mean condiitonals can only be used within their statements? Is it possible to do something like,
Jul 19, 2017 15:41
I was wondering, I've been trying to work with boolean operators in Bash, but from what I understand, there are no booleans in the sense that they exist in typical compiled languages
Jul 19, 2017 15:41
Oops, sorry, I did it more to see if anyone was here

friendly bin

To all loving Room Owners If you want to remove message and don'...
Jul 19, 2017 15:16
hello friends
Aug 18, 2016 00:36
How familiar are you with bash?
Aug 18, 2016 00:36
Apologies, I was trying to see is there was a PM function on the SO chat
Aug 18, 2016 00:35
hi Kylar
Aug 18, 2016 00:23
Anyone here?
Aug 18, 2016 00:23


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
Sep 16, 2016 01:54
Really noob question, but I've been looking to use some sort of database, but I'm not sure how they work. I've looked at PostgreSQL, but I have multiple questions; where are they hosted? Can I use my hosting package? And where do MongoDB databases exist? Thanks, and apologies for my ignorance
Jun 8, 2016 22:16
@FilipDupanović Interesting, I'll look into it. Thanks!
Jun 8, 2016 21:49
That seems to make sense. I'll just use the default ones until I encounter something that might be too complex, thanks!
Jun 8, 2016 21:46
Oh, it's a personal site, so it's more of a fun project than something to be used on a serious webpage
Jun 8, 2016 21:46
It looks like jQuery has nice animation functions like fadeIn and slideIn, which I think I can use to pull some of it off. However, I've noticed it has a more complex animate() function; is there a reason why I would consider using animate()? Are using the premade ones a bad idea? Thanks!
Jun 8, 2016 21:43
I'm a little new to jQuery, and I was thinking of creating a short pre-loading animation to a website
Jun 8, 2016 21:43
It seems reasonable to ask if I should, since I don't want to bring irrelevant discussion to a chat lol
Jun 8, 2016 21:41
Is it ok to ask about jQuery here?
May 20, 2016 02:01
Ahhh, I see. Thank you so much!
May 20, 2016 01:58
Amazing, thanks!
May 20, 2016 01:57
Wait, what? How did you do that???
May 20, 2016 01:55
First thing I tried


Dedicated to the discussion of the Java programming language a...
Aug 18, 2016 17:53
Is there a way to use Java to manipulate other GUIs, and insert input into their input boxes? If that makes any sense
Aug 18, 2016 17:22
nvm, just figured it out using: stackoverflow.com/questions/2323292/…
Aug 18, 2016 17:12
I know how to do it in shell scripting, I found one way to do it in batch, but it seems like a over-complex solution
Aug 18, 2016 17:11
Is there a way to capture output of a .jar and assign it to a variable in batch?
Aug 18, 2016 17:10
Aug 17, 2016 20:07
Thank you so much for the detailed information, I will keep track of this for future use
Aug 17, 2016 20:06
Since I will need to grab the password data, as the password comparing will ultimately be handled by the application I am logging into, seems like I will utilize encryption
Aug 17, 2016 20:06
I think I should provide context for my application - I am looking to write something which will facilitate logging into multiple instances of a particular application easily
Aug 17, 2016 20:05
I see, that makes sense
Aug 17, 2016 20:00
Ahhh, that makes sense - and so, hashing means you don't expect to be able to read it back? I think I remember hearing that about hashing before
Aug 17, 2016 19:58
Hashing algorithms take text and produce a hash, correct? Then, if the program wants to check a password, it will hash the text and compare it to the hash?
Aug 17, 2016 19:57
From what I understand
Aug 17, 2016 19:57
Not really, only somewhat
Aug 17, 2016 19:56
Hmm, seems interesting. What do you think of Jasypt and BouncyCastle, by any chance?
Aug 17, 2016 19:35
great, thanks! Also, are there any Java libraries that would allow me to do what you suggest? Sorry, I'm just really unfamiliar with hash algorithms and cryptography in general
Aug 17, 2016 19:22
Therefore, grabbing input from System.out, being the process's standard output, into the bash shell is feasible?
Aug 17, 2016 18:40
Also, just want to make sure - it is possible to run a .jar from the shell, and return a value from the code to be passed to the shell script? Like maybe through a pipe, and grabbing input through System.out.println?
Aug 17, 2016 18:39
I apologize, I'm not incredibly well-versed in cryptographic concepts, so I'm a little lost - what do you recommend, and is there a Java library I can use?
Aug 17, 2016 18:07
I used keytool to make a store and a key with an alias, but it doesn't seem like i can get the password
Aug 17, 2016 18:06
Is keystore an appropriate tool for the job? Someone recommended it to me and I've been struggling to understand how to apply it
Aug 17, 2016 18:06
i've been trying to make this application where i store passwords and encrypt them with a "master password"
Aug 17, 2016 18:00
Is anyone here familiar with Java keystore?
Aug 17, 2016 18:00
May 23, 2016 01:30
I have a weird question. When you've put something up on github, what's the conventional way of uploading the export? For example, if I've made a .jar, and I want other people to use it for the sake of convenience, do I just make a seperate folder on github and link to that, or do I use some sort of fileuploader and link to that in the README?
May 21, 2016 19:22
When a JavaFX stage is shown, does the thread have to fully resolve to display the GUI? I'm having an issue where this is happening, and I'm starting to think I need to make a new thread perhaps
May 21, 2016 15:24
Is there any good way to debug a JavaFX application that doesn't fully load and freezes? I can't get a stack trace from it