I was wondering, I've been trying to work with boolean operators in Bash, but from what I understand, there are no booleans in the sense that they exist in typical compiled languages
Really noob question, but I've been looking to use some sort of database, but I'm not sure how they work. I've looked at PostgreSQL, but I have multiple questions; where are they hosted? Can I use my hosting package? And where do MongoDB databases exist? Thanks, and apologies for my ignorance
It looks like jQuery has nice animation functions like fadeIn and slideIn, which I think I can use to pull some of it off. However, I've noticed it has a more complex animate() function; is there a reason why I would consider using animate()? Are using the premade ones a bad idea? Thanks!
Since I will need to grab the password data, as the password comparing will ultimately be handled by the application I am logging into, seems like I will utilize encryption
I think I should provide context for my application - I am looking to write something which will facilitate logging into multiple instances of a particular application easily
Hashing algorithms take text and produce a hash, correct? Then, if the program wants to check a password, it will hash the text and compare it to the hash?
great, thanks! Also, are there any Java libraries that would allow me to do what you suggest? Sorry, I'm just really unfamiliar with hash algorithms and cryptography in general
Also, just want to make sure - it is possible to run a .jar from the shell, and return a value from the code to be passed to the shell script? Like maybe through a pipe, and grabbing input through System.out.println?
I apologize, I'm not incredibly well-versed in cryptographic concepts, so I'm a little lost - what do you recommend, and is there a Java library I can use?
I have a weird question. When you've put something up on github, what's the conventional way of uploading the export? For example, if I've made a .jar, and I want other people to use it for the sake of convenience, do I just make a seperate folder on github and link to that, or do I use some sort of fileuploader and link to that in the README?
When a JavaFX stage is shown, does the thread have to fully resolve to display the GUI? I'm having an issue where this is happening, and I'm starting to think I need to make a new thread perhaps