Android & Kotlin Experts

Any SO Room is nothing without you all GUYS.Thanks to all memb...
Jul 9, 2016 08:44
Hey all, I am stuck in this tricky issue. I am setting onTouchListener on a layout for sliding (by setting gesturelistener).
It works. But there's a button inside the layout. That doesn't get detected on click. I have already set it's setClickable(true). I have tried onTouchListener on the the button and few more such workarounds as per SO posts.. No success so far.
Apr 29, 2016 07:01
Q: Why RecyclerView Adapter doesn't instantly initialize its items on manual scroll?

ShridharI am using 2 RecyclerViews inside a Dialogue. One of the RecyclerView further uses a nested list inside it. Everything's alright till now (no height issues). However, from the other RecyclerView, I drag an image/view and inside another RecyclerView i wish to drop it. This functionality works f...

Apr 28, 2016 11:45
Hi all, I am using 2 recyclerviews in same layout inside a Dialog. Both RecyclerViews are aligned using weight attribute. The left RecyclerView has a listview further in it and when I scroll for less than 7 items, it scrolls but more, it scrolls weirdly. Anyone having any idea why so?
Apr 2, 2016 08:24
Hi all, need a suggestion on what should I use on Android to display a building graphically, with floors? When I click a floor, it must open up some details. The floors can be like rectangular blocks. Want to keep it simple yet very catchy as per looks.
Mar 18, 2016 06:50
Hi everyone, anyone here having a good hold on Android multi screen support concepts? sw,w,etc...?
Mar 15, 2016 09:33
@AnshulTyagi: I had asked once long time back and I had succeeded as well, but I am unable to retrieve that project. Besides my senior found it "jugadu" then. Still wondering why but I am unable to re generate the same thing again. Since you have seen many times and even worked, can you help?
Mar 15, 2016 09:26
Hi all,
I was using ViewPager with FragmentStatePagerAdapter to swipe between tabs using fragment. But this is good when number of pages/fragments are known in advance. What if I want generate tbs/fragments dynamically?
Feb 8, 2016 10:06
Hi all, I have an app that is already running and storing records in database. Is it possible to retrieve these records using another app?
I have read about Content Providers but the original app doesn't have it and already is having records. Any possibilities?
Jan 22, 2016 12:25
the so many is what I was telling of.
Jan 22, 2016 12:23
@Rahul: When you say examples - you mean the samples at
Jan 22, 2016 12:19
I do save the required text in a class as objects but how shall I put them into list view with checkbox.
Jan 22, 2016 12:18
@Rahul: I checked many examlpes. All are loading checkbox data using array adapter, in which data is fed from string array. I however have data coming from a web service (json).
Jan 22, 2016 11:14
@Rahul: Ok, shall check out thanks.
Jan 22, 2016 11:10
@Rahul: Sorry for the demands, but tomorrow is my deadline and I need to make sure the step that I take is properly calculated to avoid end time regrets

 Android Era with Kotlin and Java

Important: Read dos and don'ts here: . Ma...
Jul 9, 2016 08:19
@AshuKumar: Didn't workk out. I have set onClickListner on the button and added those 2 lines as well, failed but
Jul 9, 2016 08:15

I just typed these 2 piece of lines and am trying:

Jul 9, 2016 08:12
Jul 9, 2016 08:11
Jul 9, 2016 08:11
setOnTouchListner followed by gesturelistener
Jul 9, 2016 08:10
Hey all, I am stuck in this tricky issue. I am setting onTouchListener on a layout for sliding.
It works. But there's a button inside the layout. That doesn't get detected on click. I have already set it's setClickable(true). I have tried onTouchListener on the the button and few more such workarounds as per SO posts.. No success so far.
Apr 29, 2016 07:35
inside the loop, something like that
Apr 29, 2016 07:35
OR MAYBE - availibilityList.get(count).getListModel().get().getNotes();
Apr 29, 2016 07:35
Apr 29, 2016 07:35
Try this
Apr 29, 2016 07:35
for(int count=0;count<modelArrayList.getSize();count++)
Apr 29, 2016 07:32
But if you want each object then you will have to run a loop and use a counter to get reference to each object of modellist inside the ArrayList A
Apr 29, 2016 07:30
Because size -1 will give you 9
Apr 29, 2016 07:30
if there are 10 items of modelList, you are accessing only the last 1
Apr 29, 2016 07:30
Apr 29, 2016 07:30
You will need to rather get size of ArrayList B and then proceed
Apr 29, 2016 07:25
for inside part of availabilitytList.get(position).getLisModel().get(
Apr 29, 2016 07:24
Rather, you use like this:

for(int count =0; count < ArrayListB.size(); count++)
Apr 29, 2016 07:23
After that, why do you use reference for availabilitytList? We are inside availabilitytList already and now we don't want to use it's reference.
Apr 29, 2016 07:22
When you type this:

You are correct till availabilitytList.get(position).getLisModel().get(
Apr 29, 2016 07:21
No, stick to the standards I was using, one standard I mean, else confusion. So...
Class A has many data members and one of the data members is ArrayListB.

So a1, a2, a3,.. all these objects of Class A are having an ArrayList B.
Apr 29, 2016 07:16
How does the other ArrayList come into picture?
Apr 29, 2016 07:15
@zaptech: What's next?
Apr 29, 2016 07:15
So Class A has many objects a1,a2,a3,a4 and an ArrayList<A> aObjects has been used like this:

Apr 29, 2016 07:14
Before step 3 - you create multiple such objects and initialize Class A variables (data members)
Apr 29, 2016 07:13
Is this the scenario (I am a little bit slow on grasping):
1) There is class A with many variables.
2) You use an object of Class A and initialize values.
3) You add these objects in ArrayList, let's say ArrayA.

Am I correct till here?
Apr 29, 2016 07:10
Apr 29, 2016 07:10
You got the last item of ModelList of many other items?
Apr 29, 2016 07:09
@zaptech: use a for loop or preferably and advanced for loop
Apr 29, 2016 07:05
and if there's another object stored inside each array of the list, another dot operator would give you access to further variables. Is this what you were asking?
Apr 29, 2016 07:04
@zaptech: Not sure if I got your question, if it's the basic task of getting data from an ArrayList, we use arraylist.get(n); where n is the nth array inside the arraylist.
Apr 29, 2016 07:02
Any help?
Apr 2, 2016 08:23
Hi all, need a suggestion on what should I use on Android to display a building graphically with floor? When I click a floor, it must open up some details. The floors can be like rectangular blocks. Want to keep it simple yet very catchy as per looks.
Mar 16, 2016 06:35
I mark a dot and get its coordinates, save it on server. When I retrieve this same coordinate on another tab from server, it is shifted. How to avoid this shifting?
Mar 16, 2016 06:34
Good morning all, Has anyone worked with canavas on ANdroid before?
Feb 4, 2016 07:19
Hi all, after having gone through many posts, I cannot find an easy and proper example of how I may access a database created in one application, from another android app.

I understand this is possible only through Content Providers but can't find a proper tut. Please guide. Thank you.