5) I tap the control on Page 1 - it goes to the 1st MyContentPage - but the controls are the same as if I were on the 2nd MyContentPage (which happens to be empty)
Just imagine I have Page 1, which has some hard-coded grid-arranged controls with tapgestures. Each one says (via the NavigationService) - go to Content(1) or Content(2) etc.. This goes to MyContentPage which a) loads some stuff from a local db b) renders buttons in a listview, c) each button has a click event saying 'go to Content(x)', 'go to Content(y)' etc.
@JuniorJiang No, this makes no difference. The flow is exactly the same: the first button click seems to 'do nothing' (navigation does not change the page), a second click does change the page, but if I navigate back to root, when I click the button it takes me to the 3rd page.
That NavigateToContent is being called from a 'service' , which itself is called from the base view model, using a ICommand bound to the controls in the dynamically generated list