Alias Varghese

Android & Kotlin Experts

Any SO Room is nothing without you all GUYS.Thanks to all memb...
Jun 30, 2015 06:58
which phone is preferable?

MySQL and relational databases

Ask your question, and then hang around a while to see if an e...
Jun 30, 2015 06:54
Q: Reporting parameters default value is not refreshing

Alias Varghese I have added a parameter ReportParameter6 with values ResourceId from DataSet5 and the same as default value. Here is my query for DataSet5 SELECT DISTINCT JDisplayName, ResourceId FROM Resource WHERE (LocationId IN (@ReportParameter4)) AND (DisciplineId IN (@ReportParameter...


HTML / CSS / WebDesign

This room is now defunct. RIP.
Jun 30, 2015 06:49
Jun 30, 2015 06:48
IPhone is the best compared to android and windows in my experience
Jun 30, 2015 06:48
6 plus?
Jun 30, 2015 06:47
Intex introduced android phone with more than one week backup