This is my left joing hql query . After executing this code i am getting list size. But unable cast object to respective pojo class.
Query query=session.createQuery("from BwClientdetails client left join client.bwClientAllocations");
For posting the question in stack overflow i created a small sample application..I reproduced the same problem..and posted the question..i'm using hibernate 3.This casting became a problem for me. now.
Are you sure...??? Why because i'm Newbie and i'm not sure about everything..I'm little afraid about this stackoverflow down voting system.and right now i don't have permission to post new Question.Thank u so much for helping..You people are so much Helpful..
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: [Ljava.lang.Object; cannot be cast to Employee at EmployeeDao.main( Java Result: 1
i'm doing like this List<Employee> e = session.createQuery("FROM Employee e left join c WHERE = :p1 or = :p1").setParameter("p1", "uday11").list();
First time i have written my action class like this, i didn't instantiated the usertylist
private List<UserType> usertylist;
//setters and getters
public String populateUsrType() {
usertylist = udao.getUserTypes();
return SUCCESS;
I populated usertylist in jsp
<s:select id="UserT...
@Unihedro YOu still didn't answered my question."It looking to me like only a guy with minimum 6 months to 1 year experienced guys can only capable of asking questions here.Am i right.???"
I'm using Struts 2 annotation based validation in my project. This is my entity class In this only I validating some fields
public class Vendor implements Serializable {
private Long vendorId;
private List<Item> itemDetails = new ArrayList<Item>()...
I have been trying to pass text field value from index.jsp to save in database using hibernate.
This is the project structure:
Jar files used
index page
Project code is:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app id="WebApp_ID" version="2.4"
I'm not expecting you to read.May be you are from another domain. its smallest possible code that can fit the problem.And so many questions in that domain answered like that and upvoted.Thats the first reason i asked that question.
oh..k..But in faqs it is said that it is legitimate to ask that kind of question.and one of my previous question was answered properly.NO one said in comments this is not proper.