
Dedicated to the discussion of the Java programming language a...
Jul 28, 2017 14:25
@geisterfurz007 When I started the service, It has connected and read a mail if any new mail came but after some time (5 hours) I got a email server drops a connection so I will retry to connect the server but after 2 or more attempts server will throw a same error
Jul 28, 2017 14:15
Need help with java mail, regarding receiving email using java mail I get the following error after being connected for sometime: javax.mail.AuthenticationFailedException: Lookup failed

MySQL and relational databases

Ask your question, and then hang around a while to see if an e...
Jul 20, 2017 05:24
@TehShrike The url is specified in server xml for tomcat and hence the ampersands, otherwise it throws error. For table, charset, we did that already. Eventually, we had to do a restart, since the jdbc connector does not provide an option for explicitly using utf8mb4. Thank you
Jul 19, 2017 08:03
Hi guys I posted a question here. I hope I can get some pointers with this.
Is there anyway I can do it using the connection from the application only without having to restart?