Kinfe Gebreselassie

MySQL and relational databases

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Nov 29, 2014 00:53
A: Merge and UNION records from two tables using JOIN

slavooMaybe you can use group_concat, this join all values to one column. select a.*, group_concat(b.ItemId) joined from tableA a inner join tableB b on a.customerId = b.customerId group by a.customerId, a.customer, Result: CUSTOMERID CUSTOMER COMPANY JOINED XXX001 XXX ...



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Nov 28, 2014 02:10
Need help on compare and merge two array?…


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Nov 28, 2014 02:09
Anyone have any idea on how to get open sales orders from Sage 50 2015?
Nov 26, 2014 23:17
thanks ruben it works great!!
Nov 26, 2014 20:05
but how can i extract item IDs and put them in a separate variable so that i can easly LSE06-901-01, LSE06-150-12, LSE06-600-09, LSE06-510-10, LSE06-510-11, LSE06-630-02
Nov 26, 2014 18:19
Hey Ruben it works !! the problem was on my select statement
Nov 26, 2014 17:17
here is the result i get all Item ID match the select criteria not Order #: LSE06-150-12, LSE06-630-02, LSE06-600-09, LSE06-901-01, LSE06-510-11, LSE06-510-10, LSBX-1, AS1677, 600278, 600278, WH1502
Nov 26, 2014 17:14
Nov 26, 2014 07:27
Hi Ruben, hope you had good rest. here the thing the code displays all the ItemID's thanks! but i want to display the item id only the ones matches the CustomerSONo' in the same row/record in this case displays all itemids. and i want to add those ItemID to another table in separated field like CustomerSONo=15020 , LineItem 1=600274, LineItem2=600271. i am not sure about this line $orders[$row['CustomerSONo']][] = $row['ItemID']; i am not able to merge Line ItemID of the same salesorder
Nov 26, 2014 05:49
Nov 26, 2014 05:48
Hi Ruben, hope you had good rest. here the thing the code displays all the ItemID's thanks! but i want to display the item id only the ones matches the CustomerSONo' in the same row/record in this case displays all. and i want to add those ItemID to another table as in separated field. i am not sure about this line $orders[$row['CustomerSONo']][] = $row['ItemID'];
Nov 26, 2014 01:04
interesting yes i saw your profile, your awsome men i am a web developer and mostly i use HTML CSS and some database . i am got to go now i keep you update the the status of this Thanks alot!!! you have agreat day sir
Nov 26, 2014 00:59
let me try that thanks Ruben
Nov 26, 2014 00:58
Nov 26, 2014 00:58
and look like this right?while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {
$orders[$row['CustomerSONo'][] = $row['ItemID'];

foreach($orders as $orderNo => $itemIds) {
echo "Order #" . $orderNo . ": " . implode(", ", $itemIds);

Nov 26, 2014 00:57
i think so you mean replace $orders[$row['CustomerSONo'][] = $row; by $orders[$row['CustomerSONo'][] = $row['ItemID'];
Nov 26, 2014 00:45
and i get Order #: Array, Array, Array, Array, Array, Array, Array, Array, Array, Array, Array
Nov 26, 2014 00:45
I tried it like this $orders = array();

while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {
    $orders[$row['CustomerSONo'][] = $row;

foreach($orders as $orderNo => $itemIds) {
    echo "Order #" . $orderNo . ": " . implode(", ", $itemIds);

Nov 26, 2014 00:39
yes and then i am going to add the record into 3rd party app as a single record using API. thanks for the quick reply
Nov 26, 2014 00:39
Hi Ruben I want to group the orders and extract the two Line items then display on the same line like CustomerSONo =15020 | Line item1 = 600274 | Lineitem2=600271 on in one line thanks!!
Nov 26, 2014 00:39
thanks Ruben i dont understand this line $orders[$value['CustomerSONo'][] = $row;` and how can i extract the two LineItem ItemID=600274 and ItemID=600271