
best practices of using this framework
Feb 5, 2016 22:15
Thank you @FoggyFinder
Feb 5, 2016 12:29
To clarify, I can't do a simple many2many because product_in_basket have, for example:
-ID, Product_ID, Basket_ID, Quantity, Price, Discount
Feb 5, 2016 12:27
Does someone have an idea about that?
Basically, what I want to do is a many2many with association class. So look like that:
Product: Id, Name, Quantity, Warehouse, Category_ID
Category: Id, Name
Basket: Id, Total
So I need to create product_in_category and product_in_basket. But how can I do a query_builder from product_in_category and persist an object of type product_in_basket? Thank you
Feb 3, 2016 18:11