I know in OCaml, it supports generic functions with hardly any effort at all and compiles to native code. However, type safety is only checked at compile type, the generic types are erased at compilation time. It doesn't need to generate any new methods because all the reference types are accessed through a pointer, and all the pointers have the same size
ok, another stupid question, please correct me if I'm wrong: how are C++ generics implemented? Does the compiler create two methods specialized for each type?
I think one major deficit in C#'s type system is the lack of a common base class for numeric types. Its not possible to do something like this: T Add(T a, T b) where T : INumeric and invoke with Add<int>(5, 10) and Add<float>(5.0, 10.0)
@Xaade: it comes from the phrase "if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, then its a duck". Its the idea that you should be able to call methods on an object without constraining it to a common type
ah, gotcha. C# doesn't have statically checked duck typing, you'd have to constrain that definition to an interface or base class, something like void write(T t) where T : IWriteable
@Xaade: we had a weird situation which led to all that code in the first place, I could tell a long and tedious story, but will keep it short and simple: we found that moving some of our telephony configuration logic earlier in our process eliminated a whole blob of validation logic later on
@Greg: List<T> is a dynamically-sized array with O(1) indexing and amortized O(1) append and O(n) prepend, and O(n) remove, so I wouldn't really say it does everything for you. LinkedList<T> is a linked list with O(n) indexing and O(1) append and prepend, and O(1) remove (so long as you know which node you're removing).