In listview items I'm using Visiblity concept in layout to perform
visible and collapse. When performing Collapse, listview items not
removing that view entirely from the layout.
It is removing the item contents such as name and id but
placing blank white view at that particular listitem positio...
Hi, How to refer the global array variable in listview layout. For Eg: this is my Global.arrVal. I need to refer that in listview. I tried like this in layout <ListView [items]="Global.arrVal" But its throwing error.can you please help me with this.
I pushed json datas into observable array.I need to get the only the address from ShowData.That means just a string type i need to get the address value based on the position.
class ShowData{
constructor(public id:number, public name:string, public address:string, public code:s...
I followed this github post to do Floating Action Button in Listview.
So I have added this below two plugins in my applications:
NativeScript 2.x
tns plugin add nativescript-floatingactionbutton@^2.2.7
NativeScript 3+
tns plugin add nativescript-floatingactionbutton
I have added the Float...
I followed this github post to do Floating Action Button in Listview.
So I have added this below two plugins in my applications:
NativeScript 2.x
tns plugin add nativescript-floatingactionbutton@^2.2.7
NativeScript 3+
tns plugin add nativescript-floatingactionbutton
I have added the Float...
I referred this link and this link
when click on the floating action button, I'm using custom modal dialog to show the listview to half of the screen.
But it is taking full screen like below image:
I tried to set boolean variable fullScreen to false then also its showing full screen only.