

Room rules: Code formatting guide: tinyu...
Aug 7, 2014 19:46
gotta go
Aug 7, 2014 19:46
I read that all the time @AnttiHaapala
Aug 7, 2014 19:42
you could have "modules" filled with questions... different from tags because it would only include questions asked in a certain language about basic tasks and general knowledge of a programing language... not complicated or specific things
Aug 7, 2014 19:36
I cant get lmxl to work in Python 3.4.1 @davidsm
Aug 7, 2014 19:36
and (im new) but I saw sys and time being imported in all of the tutorial I read
Aug 7, 2014 19:35
are we talking possibly over 2 minuites
Aug 7, 2014 19:34
Do you have any idea how much extra time it would take to install what I mentioned along with: sys, and time for the script to install, run, and remove?
Aug 7, 2014 19:33
so I would just have to delete that directory afterwards?
Aug 7, 2014 19:32
Question: is there a way to have temporary virtual environments in Python 3.4.1 so that I install things like: requests, BeautifulSoup, and urllib and afterwards all traces of them are removed?