Apr 7, 2020 06:05
It's fine to throw a specific exception, for example IllegalArgumentException, which shows that the method was passed something it is not expected to handle. Throwing Exception is essentially useless to know anything other than "something" went wrong: it's somewhat akin to returning new Object().
Feb 25, 2020 03:09
Which CST do you mean?
Sep 6, 2019 20:45
Because the "for any" doesn't make sense if you just look at it for these specific parameters; and we've already determined that either method is applicable for these specific parameters.
Sep 6, 2019 20:44
Then, if it still has more than one applicable method, it does this "which is most specific" resolution /in the general case/, not the specific case of the parameters you've passed.
Sep 6, 2019 20:43
The method resolution proceeds in a number of stages: first, it works out which classes to search for the method; then it finds methods with the right name; then it finds which of those methods with the right name are applicable for these specific arguments.
Sep 6, 2019 20:42
The ambiguous case?
Sep 6, 2019 20:41
I don't know what specific situation you're asking about.
Sep 6, 2019 20:36
And a Type<String> is not a Type<Object>.
Sep 6, 2019 20:36
String.class is a Class<String>, but not a String.
Sep 6, 2019 20:36
Because Object.class is both a Class<Object> and an Object.
Sep 6, 2019 20:34
Which statement are you referring to, and what is the "that" that it isn't what that statement is saying?
Sep 6, 2019 20:34
bind("", new Type<String>("")) is not a valid invocation of bind(Class<T>, Type<T>).
Sep 6, 2019 20:34
@JamesKleeh any better?
Dec 7, 2018 16:51
@lucumt I'm not offering an opinion in saying that == will work the same as equals here. Try it.
Dec 7, 2018 16:51
@lucumt all of the strings here are literals, so they are in the constant pool. Every time you use "si" in this code, it is the same instance, so == will work "as expected". But that is brittle behaviour, and so you are correct that equals should be used instead.
Dec 7, 2018 16:51
Whilst this is generally true, all of the strings here are literals, and so == will work.
Sep 11, 2018 23:33
From the spec: "The Unicode characters resulting from the lexical translations are reduced to a sequence of input elements (§3.5), which are white space (§3.6), comments (§3.7), and tokens. The tokens are the identifiers (§3.8), keywords (§3.9), literals (§3.10), separators (§3.11), and operators (§3.12) of the syntactic grammar." If it's not an identifier, which of the above types is it?
Jun 10, 2018 09:36
@Turing85 it has nothing to do with Observer itself. It's like the fact that you can write a class class SomeClass implements Comparable<SomeOtherClass>: it doesn't make sense to do this directly, but it doesn't mean you can't.
Jun 10, 2018 09:36
@Turing85 that is true. But there isn't actually a way to get rid of the warning, because there is nothing to constrain the class to be exactly self-bounded.
Jun 10, 2018 09:36
How about class Subject<T extends Subject<T>>?
Jun 28, 2017 22:22
If the object isn't thread safe: for example, static final List<String> LIST = new ArrayList<>();.
Jun 28, 2017 22:22
Oh, in that case there's no problem.
Jun 28, 2017 22:22
@dadus33 is the MY_CLASS variable static and final too?
Jun 28, 2017 22:22
You don't use isInstance on a static field; you read the value of the static field, and then call isInstance on that. The read of the field is "thread safe", but by the time you invoke isInstance on that value, some other thread might have changed the value under your feet.
Feb 26, 2017 14:07
I'd say that polymorphism is a language feature which allows you to implement the strategy pattern in one way.
Feb 26, 2017 14:07
The strategy pattern "enables an algorithm's behavior to be selected at runtime". That's exactly what the API of Collections.sort does.
Feb 4, 2017 18:04
Hint: you can't consider hours and minutes separately.
Jan 28, 2017 14:43
@Mohsen_Fatemi you have set up a straw man here by worrying about list modification. If OP were modifying the list, the existing methods wouldn't have worked.
Jan 28, 2017 14:43
@MichaelCurry you can't do this in one method. And there's no reason to, just add an overload.
Oct 3, 2016 20:01
@SeanHill ok, java.util.LinkedList has a reference to the first element.
Oct 3, 2016 20:01
@SeanHill a practical example is that java.util.LinkedList has a reference to the last element, so that insertions at the end of the list, well, don't involve a linear search.
Oct 3, 2016 20:01
@SeanHill "How do you intend to perform a valid insertion on a LinkedList without a linear search?" at the tail (provided you've got a direct reference to the tail, as java.util.LinkedList does).
Apr 22, 2016 23:19
Misko Hevery says some interesting things about why static is bad. His blog posts are a few years old, but still worth reading. misko.hevery.com/2008/12/15/…
Apr 22, 2016 23:17
Apr 22, 2016 23:14
Don't make it static.
Apr 22, 2016 23:14
No. Really. Seriously.
Apr 22, 2016 23:13
And been bitten in the ass sooner and harder than I expected.
Apr 22, 2016 23:13
I've gone down that path more times than I care to mention.
Apr 22, 2016 23:13
I promise you, it's not.
Apr 22, 2016 23:13
Ah, the old "it's more convenient if I make it static" chestnut.
Apr 22, 2016 23:12
It does exactly the same.
Apr 22, 2016 23:12
Now, it doesn't matter if you have two instances of these.
Apr 22, 2016 23:11
class LoginPage extends Page { HomePage(WebDriver driver) { super(driver, "Login page"); } }
Apr 22, 2016 23:11
class HomePage extends Page { HomePage(WebDriver driver) { super(driver, "Home page"); } }
Apr 22, 2016 23:10
class Page { private final WebDriver driver; private final String name; Page(WebDriver driver, String name) { this.driver = driver; this.name = name; } boolean onPage() { return driver.findElements(By.id(name)) != null; } }
Apr 22, 2016 23:09
I'll see if I can type something that makes sense in this silly little box.
Apr 22, 2016 23:08
Just straight-up inheritance.
Apr 22, 2016 23:07
Your home page, your login page...
Apr 22, 2016 23:07
These classes really do represent "things"
Apr 22, 2016 23:06
Yes. In general, I'd say that a class with only static methods should be a class of utility methods.