So within that model, you'd add two methods...something like this public function product() { return $this->belongsTo(Product::class,'product_id'); } public function relative() { return $this->belongsTo(Product::class,'relatives_id'); }
In that case your Relatives model would contain the product_id. So it can only "belongTo" a single product. Several Relatives can "belongTo" the same product however, so from the Products perspective it is "HasMany". Does this sound like what your are looking for? Otherwise, if you are wanting Relatives to HaveMany products, and Products to HaveMany Relatives, then you wanted a BelongsToMany, which I've described in my answer.
At this point I'm lacking a bit of context to make suggestions to database design. Normally to create a relationship between two models though you would use a HasMany relationship. The confusing part to me is your $fillable fields. Those look like you are trying to create a pivot table.
I think you'd benefit from taking a couple hours and watching the following series (at least up until you understand eloquent relationships) What you're attempting to do seems wildly over complicated compared to the "Laravel Way". Why even use Laravel if you're not going to embrace it? I suspect you should be able to accomplish what your attempting with little more than $products = Product::with(['categories', 'items'])->orderBy('price', $sort)->get(); in your controller. Why build up your own arrays if you don't have to?