C++ Questions and Answers

Solve problems and approach solutions. Just ask and lurkers wi...
Sep 11, 2023 21:21
I've got a C header that uses the restrict keyword in some of its function prototypes. Is there a standards-compliant way to include this header in a C++ file (assuming I already am using C linkage with extern "C")?
Feb 27, 2023 22:23
To add more to that question, I found that myFoo.Bat<int(&)[3]>(foo) works, but I'm not sure why myFoo.Bat(foo) doesn't. I'm now pretty confident that this question is not a duplicate.
Feb 27, 2023 21:25
Posted a question that got closed as dupe: stackoverflow.com/questions/75585276/…. I don't think the linked questions answer my question, but I can't fully articulate why. The best I can come up with is "these answers are saying you can't partially specialize just one member function , but I'm not doing that (I think)". Any feedback?


Today we're daydreaming about C++26 reflection
Mar 11, 2023 22:38
Going to plug this question again, since the one partial answer in the comments was deleted by the commenter. Or, if anyone can find a suitable duplicate for it (original dupe targets weren't relevant): stackoverflow.com/questions/75585276/…

Happy New Year

Hats and well wishes
Dec 31, 2015 20:06
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Dec 31, 2015 20:05
Dec 31, 2015 20:05
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Dec 31, 2015 20:05
I'm just here for a hat