Mar 23, 2018 18:29
well, fewer lines doesn't always mean better readability IMHO
Mar 23, 2018 18:29
And what is the benefits of your example, except to have fewer lines of code?

Java, Spring,JPA, PHP, jQuery & Javas

This room is for Java, ,Spring Framework, JPA, Javascript, jQu...
Dec 23, 2015 19:52
actually it was due to the embedded maven install that was corrupted. Changing the mavenconfiguration to a standalone maven binaries fixed the issue
Dec 22, 2015 21:28
@Shiven I read it quickly but I think you deleted your object here it.remove()
Dec 22, 2015 21:20
I never had this kind of trouble before and I can't figure out how to get m2e logs from eclipse
Dec 22, 2015 21:19
well, I use maven at work so I'm used to it and I'm just trying to do the same at home
Dec 22, 2015 21:08
Anyone ever had this kind of trouble?
Dec 22, 2015 21:08
I use a fresh install of eclipse Mars and Maven 3.3.9
Dec 22, 2015 21:08
Hi, I got a trouble with Maven and Eclipse. Each time I try to import or create a new maven project it hangs on "Importing maven project" around 9~10%.