Sep 10 14:48
@GamoStroide: "I already checked all of there docs" - Except the one which describes what "ERROR_CAPTCHA_UNSOLVABLE" indicates:
Sep 10 14:48
@GamoStroide: "how to contact python support team?" - Good luck getting anybody there to support 2captcha either...
Sep 10 14:48
@GamoStroide: If the service explicitly indicates that "ERROR_CAPTCHA_UNSOLVABLE" is a potential response code then that pretty strongly implies that they expect to not be able to solve every captcha everywhere on the internet. If you disagree with them then you are encouraged to take that up with them. Please try to understand that this community is not part of 2captcha and does not support their service. To learn more about this community and how we can help you, please start with the tour and read How to Ask and its linked resources.
Sep 10 14:48
@GamoStroide: Regarding the updated question... "When I'm using a paid captcha solving service that means it should solve the captcha that I can't do without it." - Please see Why can't I ask customer service-related questions on Stack Overflow? We do not offer customer support for other companies and products. We can help with code issues which may be related to the use of other tools and services, but direct customer support (or lack thereof) is with the vendor themselves and not with us.
Sep 10 14:48
@GamoStroide: What specifically are you asking of this community?
Sep 10 14:48
@GamoStroide: If a 3rd party service isn't doing something you expect them to do, you may need to check with that service.
Jun 6 13:43
@vasudev.p: Additionally... "Lets assume I have 3 objects" - In the question you don't have that at all. In the question you have a string. Why should we assume that you are trying to do something different than what you are asking about in the question? Don't rely on us to assume anything. Ask what you're actually trying to ask in the question.
Jun 6 13:43
@vasudev.p: Now would be a good time for you to start with some introductory JavaScript tutorials which cover the subject of arrays. Arrays are very commonly used data structures in a great many programming languages, you should definitely start learning the basics of what they are and how to use them before implementing code that needs them.
Jun 6 13:43
@vasudev.p: Well, since that "output" isn't by itself a valid complete data structure then what you have there is a string. The code shown already returns that exact string. So what is the actual problem? Are you simply not famiiar with what arrays are? Something else? Just repeating the same unclear request doesn't make it more clear. Now would be a good time for you to update the question with a minimal reproducible example as a runnable code snippet which demonstrates the problem you have encountered.
Jun 6 13:43
@vasudev.p: By "multiple objects" do you mean an array? You're already using .split() which returns an array, but you don't seem to be observing its result in any way. It's not clear what you're trying to do. (And the less you're able to explain it, the more it sounds like an XY Problem.)
Jun 6 13:43
"but didnt get expected" - What specific problem do you observe when you test your code? Can you update this to a minimal reproducible example which can be executed to observe the result that you're observing, and indicate what specific problem exists in that result?
May 21 07:35
@PranavK: That did indeed make a difference. Which implies to me that multiple instances of the same Node executable are sharing the same resources? (I don't really have better terminology to offer for what's going on under the hood.) It's an interesting test.
May 21 07:35
@PranavK: I'm not able to replicate this result locally. I've copied/pasted the code shown into separate files and opened two terminal windows. In the first I run node ./Server.js and in the second I run node ./Client.js. The resulting timestamps on my machine (one in each terminal window) differ only in miliseconds.
May 21 07:35
@PranavK: "both client and server running on node" - As the same process, i.e. a single application? (As an aside, it's also worth noting that Server.js wouldn't output a date value at all. It would output the literal string now...)
Apr 29 06:24
That's all well and good, but "it doesn't work" tells us exactly nothing about the problem. If you're not familiar with your browser's development/debugging tools, now is a good time for you to start learning about and using those. Please update the question to include information about the problem.
Apr 29 06:24
In what way is your code not working as expected? Please elaborate on the specific problem you are observing and what debugging you have done. To learn more about this community and how we can help you, please start with the tour and read How to Ask and its linked resources.
Apr 29 06:24
Well, have you tried? What actual problem do you encounter? So far it sounds like you're just assuming it won't work...
Apr 29 06:24
"Some pages dont have a '.html' at the end of there link meaning fetch wont work." - Why won't it?
Mar 5 18:23
"safesquare is a function with 3 arguments" - No it isn't. safeSquare is whatever the returned result from calling safeOperation with three arguments ends up being. safeOperation appears to return a function which accepts one argument.
Mar 26, 2023 06:35
@SofianeAbouAbderrahim: In the updated question you indicate that you made an attempt to "insert the data to the database at line 79", but then show code which doesn't insert anything into a database and merely echoes the data to the page, and then show an error indicating that something failed at line 5. Now is a good time to reduce your attempt to a minimal and complete example, and debug your code, and indicate specifically what problem you observe when doing so.
Mar 26, 2023 06:35
@SofianeAbouAbderrahim: Please update the question to provide a minimal reproducible example (focus on minimal) which demonstrates the changes you've made based on the information that's been given to you. Specifically the use of the multiple attribute and using the array of values from that form element in the server-side code. Please also indicate specifically which operation isn't working as expected in that code and what debugging observations you have made. So far it really just sounds like you don't want to apply the information given to you and just want the community to write your code for you.
Mar 26, 2023 06:35
@SofianeAbouAbderrahim: An example of what, specifically? How to use the multiple attribute and expect an array of values server-side? The question and answers to which I linked provide that. Did you try reading them and testing their suggestions in your code? As for prepared statements and parameterized queries, start here.
Mar 26, 2023 06:35
@SofianeAbouAbderrahim: Yes. It's worth pointing out that the code shown doesn't appear to use the multiple attribute as indicated in the question. Either way, it sounds like you're looking for this. When you select multiple elements in a <select> and post it to the server, it should come through as an array. You can then use the values in that array however you like. Note that you'll probably need to change your table structure and/or insert multiple rows.
Mar 26, 2023 06:35
Welcome to Stack Overflow! Nobody can tell you what's wrong with code we can't see. Please provide a minimal reproducible example demonstrating the problem. To learn more about this community and how we can help you, please start with the tour and read How to Ask and its linked resources.
Mar 13, 2023 13:24
@ChrisPratt: I can, yes. And Login.tsx appears to have an error on its return statement. If that's the error you're referring to then that's entirely separate from the question being asked here. It's not clear what you'd expect return (...); to do, but it's a syntax error in JavaScript.
Mar 13, 2023 13:24
@ChrisPratt: Did you mean to link to an updated version? That example doesn't do anything, it just shows the default initial page. (The <App> component doesn't use any of your components.)
Mar 13, 2023 13:24
@ChrisPratt: "the code hits both the service method and then handleSubmit even I do not click submit button" - This implies that you may be invoking handleSubmit directly rather than waiting for a button click. Something as simple as a mistaken set of parentheses in the JSX is a common mistake for that. "the returned data from the service is undefined" - It will be at first, yes. You can define state with any initial value you like by passing that value to the call to useState. "Shall I share my try on Stackblitz?" - Sure. It could be just a typo, or could be a separate issue.
Mar 13, 2023 13:24
@ChrisPratt: You can add a catch block how and where you see fit. Your call to postWithoutAuth doesn't include one. Have you tried to add one? Did something not work as expected?
Mar 13, 2023 13:24
@ChrisPratt: For illustration I've also added a "data" state value to the hook. As you can see, it still follows the same structure as a component. State is defined in the hook and updated therein as needed, and the hook can return that state value as part of its overall return object. Components consuming that hook would read that value like any other state value, and would be re-rendered automatically when it updates.
Mar 13, 2023 13:24
@ChrisPratt: In fact I've just edited it a step further to match the export style of your Login component. This is to illustrate that hooks and components are structurally the same thing. The key difference is that components return JSX, while hooks return functionality/data.
Mar 13, 2023 13:24
@ChrisPratt: Ah, I didn't notice that errant export keyword. Just removed it. In a hook you indeed wouldn't export anything from within the hook, but would export the hook itself at the end of the file (or export the whole hook directly) just like a component. Within the hook you'd essentially just build up the return value of whatever functions, state values, etc. that hook returns when it's "used".
Jan 6, 2023 11:13
@itsme86: The point being that something is required to ensure that it resolves to a bool.
Jan 6, 2023 11:13
@Masood: If IsSold is a bool? then this would be required for the code to compile. An if condition must resolve to a bool.
Nov 16, 2021 17:16
@John: Well, with the caveat that nobody here knows anything about your code, I would generally expect that any given user's session would contain information about that logged-in user. If you want to use the ID of a different user then your "employee" would need to provide that information. You would include that in the form they're submitting. Something like a <select> or an <input> or some way for them to indicate the intended user. If you're not familiar with what those things are or how to build a form in PHP then the Google search term you're looking for is "PHP tutorials".
Nov 16, 2021 17:16
@John: I would assume that two different users have two different IDs, yes. But what is stopping your "employee" user from selecting (in an interface that you build) which user they are referring to when they submit this information? What is stopping you from providing them with a <select> of all the users, or an <input> where they specify a username, or anything else to indicate the intended user? What specific problem have you actually encountered when building your application?
Nov 16, 2021 17:16
@John: So... A user (the "employee") is using an interface in your application to submit information for another user, correct? In that interface do they select (or in any way indicate) which user they want? In what way is that not working? What specifically is the problem?
Nov 16, 2021 17:16
Welcome to Stack Overflow! Your question is not clear. Please elaborate on what you are trying to ask. To learn more about this community and how we can help you, please start with the tour and read How to Ask and its linked resources.
Aug 28, 2020 22:24
Good luck!
Aug 28, 2020 22:24
Looked back at the page, the 0-5 text files are successfully getting their contents displayed. I need to go, but it sounds like you're moving in the right direction here. Wish it could have been in the scope of a single Stack Overflow question in case it can help others in the future, but at least you're moving forward so that's good.
Aug 28, 2020 22:22
Aug 28, 2020 22:21
Just reloaded and it's "working" for me. Not quite there yet, but the AJAX call to get main.txt succeeds and subsequent calls to get files 0-5 succeed. They're .txt files, so not sure what you're doing with them. And there are additional 0-5 calls to get .csv files which fail (files not found), but the code itself is doing what it's intending to do. (Synchronously, so very slowly, but that's a problem to fix afterward I think.)
Aug 28, 2020 22:13
For the asynchronous part... There's a warning in my browser (Chrome) about it, saying it will be deprecated. It may sound reasonable to make AJAX synchronous, but it's not meant to be that at all and should never be forced that way. Better to learn the right way to do things than to try and change them and cause more problems.
Aug 28, 2020 22:12
Once you can reliably produce a specific error to be demonstrated, that would make for a good Stack Overflow question by itself. The one which brought us here should likely just be deleted, since we've gone well past it's scope.
Aug 28, 2020 22:12
It's possible this server caches pages and doesn't show the most recent? I can't speak to that as I'm not familiar with this service. All I know is that the error I'm seeing right now is that main.txt isn't found. It may be worth waiting a while to see if caches expire, or renaming files to something else so there's no cache to return.
Aug 28, 2020 22:02
So the problem at this time is that main.txt isn't there. Observe:
Aug 28, 2020 22:01
Just reloaded the page. A couple of things...
(1) Whatever AJAX tutorial is telling you to use the "false" argument to make it synchronous, throw it away and use a different tutorial. Never try to force AJAX to be synchronous, you'll cause more problems than you solve.
(2) The `main.txt` request is returning a 404, which means it's not found on the server. The JavaScript code assumes it'll be found and tries to use it anyway, so it's trying to fetch the HTML code from the server's response as though it's a URL.
Aug 28, 2020 21:54
That's interesting. (I just reloaded the page and don't see that, by the way.) CORS is a browser policy which prevents one from using AJAX to load resources on a different server than the one which served the page. Is that the case here? I'd like to examine the URLs being requested if you can update the page to produce that error.
Aug 28, 2020 21:51
Now this is getting much closer to a specifically answerable Stack Overflow question, with code that fails in presumably a specific way. I don't see this code on your current page though. Can you re-add it? When you do, open your browser's debugging tools and look for errors on the console, as well as the AJAX request for main.txt in the network tab.
Aug 28, 2020 21:47
Basically (3) is to do what you currently do and make no change, the rest are to learn some technologies to get the job done. The more automatic you want it to be, the more you'd need to learn. AJAX by itself is very basic, a few lines of code will get you there. You can use something like jQuery to make it even simpler. Complexity goes up from there.
Aug 28, 2020 21:45
Ok, so while the integration with Google Drive is unfamiliar to me it's a normal page served from a normal web server. The options I'm seeing for getting the list of file names include:
1. If this server and/or Google Drive has an API to read a directory listing, you might be able to use that. See: But if AJAX is more complexity than you want, this is **way** more. Probably worth learning though.
2. Keep a TXT file on the server with the list of file names, and use AJAX to fetch the data from that file.