Darshan Patel

 Android Era with Kotlin and Java

Important: Read dos and don'ts here: androidera.github.io . Ma...
Jan 3, 2014 09:43
Date Created is not going to change while delete file and then create file
[link] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20884521/date-created-is-not-going-to-change-while-delete-file-and-then-create-file
please help me
Jan 3, 2014 06:57
Thanks Ved
Jan 3, 2014 06:52
i tried this also but same problem occurs
Jan 3, 2014 06:49
but i am deleting first file
and then creating file.
Jan 3, 2014 06:46
can you help me to solve my problem
Jan 3, 2014 06:45
hi ved
Jan 3, 2014 06:37
please help me
Jan 3, 2014 06:37
Date Created is not going to change while delete file and then create file

Smart Developers' Lab

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Jan 3, 2014 09:03
for force delete i tried
`File f = new File("d:\\inbox\\json\\test.txt");`

but same problem.
Jan 3, 2014 08:54
forceDelete is any function in java or concept let me googling for that first

or if is `File f=new File("d:\\inbox\\json\\test.txt");
then i tried that also
Jan 3, 2014 08:48
But i want new time stamp then how can i achieve?

if file is deleted from windows explore and then if we create file with same name then it shows new time.
Jan 3, 2014 08:42
why new created time stamp is not displaying??
Jan 3, 2014 08:42
when file is created using
`FileWriter fileWriter = new FileWriter("d:\\inbox\\json\\test.txt", false);`
then windows 7 file explore displays older time stamp
Jan 3, 2014 08:40
please help me i have asked question but not resolved.
pls pls pls help
Jan 3, 2014 07:48
Date Created TimeStamp in windows 7 using java is not going to change while delete file and then create file with same name

please refer to [link] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20884521/date-created-is-not-going-to-change-while-delete-file-and-then-create-file for more information

please help me i search lot and tried every thing but my problem not resolved
please please help me
Jan 3, 2014 07:24
hi all
Jan 3, 2014 07:23
Thanks @Aamirkhan


Dedicated to the discussion of the Java programming language a...
Jan 3, 2014 06:38
Date Created is not going to change while delete file and then create file
refer for more details [link] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20884521/date-created-is-not-going-to-change-while-delete-file-and-then-create-file
please help me