Sep 19, 2017 10:19
then we can get the database out of the way, it's a pure php issue.
Sep 19, 2017 10:19
encoding issue maybe ? please validate that what you get when you perform a SELECT is exactly what you INSERTed into the table before, using a checksum such as MD5 if necesary.


Support group for those afflicted with PHP. Don't ask to ask, ...
Jan 5, 2014 13:08
Jan 3, 2014 23:53
@bwoebi that's insane ...
Jan 3, 2014 23:13… > interesting. Thoughts ? @JoeWatkins
Jan 3, 2014 17:26
@N.B. see ya
Jan 3, 2014 17:24
@N.B. nice one. I had one commiting seppuku right in front of me... Criticizing his former employer (a famous enough agency making mobile games) stating the CEO should not ever mess with level design, in front of our chairman... we were like O_o
Jan 3, 2014 17:14
@JoeWatkins on the bright side, you could apply for a job @fb
Jan 3, 2014 17:13
any helpful hint (apart from getting his quickening) ?
Jan 3, 2014 17:12
man's desperately seeking the syntax/grammar-nazi position in the team, problem is : there isn't one
Jan 3, 2014 17:09
@N.B. Did you encounter any "do what I say, not as I do" specimen ? :)
Jan 3, 2014 17:02
nice. At first my team had 4 juniors. I was more of a cheerleader at first, we were all learning/trying/discovering new skills everyday. Then 2 seniors came and taught me well how to be the worst asshole ever, in order to make them both actually do something useful instead of arguing pointlessly for hours.
Jan 3, 2014 16:55
What does your team look like ?
Jan 3, 2014 16:54
@N.B. I've always known my japanese sword would come in useful at some point
Jan 3, 2014 16:53
@N.B. do you also need to stand-up against ambitioush young wannabe-assholes too of varying skill ? (yeah, talking from experience too :P )
Jan 3, 2014 16:29
@AmalMurali nice one
Jan 3, 2014 16:16
@MadaraUchiha lol
Jan 3, 2014 10:56
@JoeWatkins nice to see there is at least 1 other dad in this chat :)
Jan 2, 2014 18:38
getSomething, setThat, sortByMultipleValues etc
Jan 2, 2014 18:37
@DavidGraham aren't they ?
Jan 2, 2014 18:37
@DavidGraham except they begin with a $, maybe ? :-P
Jan 2, 2014 18:35
@BasicBridge Then you definitely need some sort of structure for each of your pref (one field for each, or dedicated table)
Jan 2, 2014 18:31
@BasicBridge so you will most likely make queries on a precise setting value
Jan 2, 2014 18:28
I do follow PSR-2 guidelines for coding (100% goodness, 0% bullshit)
Jan 2, 2014 18:28
@DavidGraham a lot of people do think that way. I however acknowledge "best practices" when I can see any point to them, sometimes you end up with personal perfs and bullshit
Jan 2, 2014 18:25
but if you intend to distribute it, or have colleagues such as mine... You know the drill :-)
Jan 2, 2014 18:25
if its only your subordinates and no one else, feel free to choose whatever you prefer
Jan 2, 2014 18:25
@DavidGraham depends on what kind of people will read your code
Jan 2, 2014 18:23
@DavidGraham tbh I agree with you, but I work with a bunch of coding-style nazis who vouch for 100% framework guidelines compliance (symfony in my case), so lowerCamelCase it is
Jan 2, 2014 18:09
@DavidGraham : either do what you like, or, what the conventions of your team (or the framework) tell you to (probably camelCase)
Jan 2, 2014 18:01
(not mentioning mb_strlen)
Jan 2, 2014 18:00
strlen vs sizeof ?
Jan 2, 2014 17:51
@NikiC replace 0 by 1, or 'foo' by 'f', and it's not anymore
Jan 2, 2014 17:45
hey @tereško
Jan 2, 2014 17:37
are people still considering that direction ?
Jan 2, 2014 17:37
Isn't string encoding transparency the reason for the (old) php6 failure by the way ?
Jan 2, 2014 17:36
@NikiC too bad bc-breaking a bad idea is a no-go in php...
Jan 2, 2014 17:34
(even though i see your point here)
Jan 2, 2014 17:34
@DanLugg won't help consistency :(
Jan 2, 2014 17:30
We do if we want to avoid Bc break, since arrays and strings are not object and so do not implement said interface (not testable)
Jan 2, 2014 17:29
GenericTraversable or something
Jan 2, 2014 17:29
@DanLugg Or maybe create a new interface that would match all three types
Jan 2, 2014 17:25
@DanLugg would love that as well, really
Jan 2, 2014 17:24
(very interesting debate above by the way, I'm surprised to see people actually considering breaking things to make them better)
Jan 2, 2014 17:23
@DanLugg problem is, how to do it allowing fine-grained types and avoid bc breaks... Not sure splitting apart strings and numbers would help much there
Jan 2, 2014 17:16
@DanLugg arrays should be objects at some level (or at least have a base class), period.
Jan 2, 2014 10:08
happy new year by the way :) may it be less serious than the previous one when it doesn't need to
Jan 2, 2014 10:06
for example I know for a fact that my server @work is running, because I'm connected to it psychically right now (nothing to do with my gmail icon not warning about a gazillion "server down" emails in the last couple of minutes, really)
Jan 2, 2014 10:01
@tereško console is so old-fashioned. Modern admins use psychic powers to connect to their servers
Jan 1, 2014 17:30
I suppose you're not even considering an american hosting company