May 10, 2016 13:10
The same to you, Kamel!
May 10, 2016 12:57
instead, pass the dev.validationdvd into the tooltip directive and then display them as you like
May 10, 2016 12:56
do not use ng-repeat on a div, because it will create as many elements as there are elements in the array.
May 10, 2016 12:25
yes, you can
May 10, 2016 12:25
no prob. It happens with all of us sometimes ;)
May 10, 2016 12:19
I've copied your code in this plunker. It works correctly. Check your data or create another plunker where your error is reproduced.
May 10, 2016 12:19
You can create a fiddle and then I could look on what's wrong in it.
May 10, 2016 12:19
your dev.validationdvd[0].etatvalid will throw an index error for your first data item (that has validationdvd: []. Can you provide a working plunker/fiddle with your problem?
May 10, 2016 12:19
could you post your itemsPerPage filter code?
Apr 7, 2016 19:48
Apr 7, 2016 19:48
keep up the good work!
Apr 7, 2016 19:48
you are welcome
Apr 7, 2016 19:48
i think it's around 5000 miles away )
Apr 7, 2016 19:47
Apr 7, 2016 19:46
have you heard about it?
Apr 7, 2016 19:46
Republic of Moldova
Apr 7, 2016 19:46
The practice will help you understand the concepts better, so, keep up the enthusiasm and practice!
Apr 7, 2016 19:45
I'm also learning a lot while creating d3 visualizations.
Apr 7, 2016 19:43
i'll edit my answer to include the parser as well
Apr 7, 2016 19:43
Apr 7, 2016 19:42
it run on my machine
Apr 7, 2016 19:41
and in your data.forEach restore the = parseDate(;
Apr 7, 2016 19:41
your day is not zero padded, hence you should use %e instead of %d
Apr 7, 2016 19:41
the formatting indeed was wrong
Apr 7, 2016 19:41
var parseDate = d3.time.format("%e-%b-%y %H:%M").parse;
Apr 7, 2016 19:37
can you give me your data.csv? I will try to see it locally on my computer
Apr 7, 2016 19:35
on what line do you have this `translate(NaN, 0)?
Apr 7, 2016 19:33
the %H represents hour. it is correct.
Apr 7, 2016 19:30
any errors in console?
Apr 7, 2016 19:27
data.forEach(function(d) { = new Date(;
d.close = +d.close;
Apr 7, 2016 19:27
in your data.forEach try to create a new Date() instead of parsing it. In your path svg element, the line has NaNs, which mean that there's a problem with your x values.
Apr 7, 2016 19:23
does it work?
Apr 7, 2016 19:22
and refresh the page
Apr 7, 2016 19:21
on your 105th line, put this code:
// Define the axes
var xAxis = d3.svg.axis().scale(x)
Apr 7, 2016 19:19
Apr 7, 2016 19:19
no prob
Apr 7, 2016 19:18
does it show on which line the error occurs?
Apr 7, 2016 19:17
does the console show any errors?
Apr 7, 2016 19:17
@cpcdev you've commented the orient('bottom') as well. Remove only the ticks from your current xAxis definition. THEN, inside your d3.csv() call, after your data.forEach code, add the code from my answer exactly as it is. You need to define the tickValues after you have loaded the data and the you update your xAxis with tickValues
Apr 7, 2016 19:17
@cpcdev leave your xAxis definition as it was initially (without the tickValues and tickFormat), only remove the ticks from it.
Apr 7, 2016 19:17
@cpcdev I've edited my answer to be more specific. the code goes line by line
Apr 1, 2016 07:48
@AdityaPatel can you provide an example of a call to your contains() function?


Room rules: Code formatting guide: tinyu...
Mar 30, 2016 09:47
for those interested in DjangoCon 2016 - here's the live streaming of the event
Mar 30, 2016 09:46
Mar 28, 2016 09:04
do you use it within a virtualenv?
Mar 28, 2016 07:30
if not os.path.exists(...) ?
Mar 28, 2016 07:29
Mar 25, 2016 11:57
@khajvah share some with us!