Jörg W Mittag

Oct 20, 2020 04:13
@TylerH: Because we are talking about syntax highlighting, not semantic highlighting, and name binding is part of semantic analysis. IOW, for the syntax highlighter, console.log and foo.bar are the exact same thing, namely just "someName dot someName". (Actually, most programs that claim to be syntax highlighters are actually only highlighting lexemes, so they should really call themselves lexical highlighters.)
Jun 4, 2020 12:33
@vll: "In practice, NOBODY would write a compiler that destroys the computer, even though C++ standard does not disallow that." – In practice, SOMEBODY did write a compiler that elided a security check in a piece of code that is foundational to a non-negligible portion of our digital world, which I would argue is much worse than destroying the computer and much closer to Eljay's hyperbolic example of generating a black hole. This is essentially the 21st century equivalent of the proverbial "launch the missiles" and has actually happened in practice.
May 3, 2017 13:04
@CPerkins: Also, that's not what the description of those tags says at the moment.
May 3, 2017 13:04
@CPerkins: But then, the tag is meaningless, because all languages can be implemented by both an interpreter and a compiler. And most of them have both implementations. So, you can tag pretty much any language with both tags, and the tag provides no useful distinction. Take, C, for example. By your definition, it is an interpreted language. Or JavaScript, which is by your definition a compiled language. How does that help anybody?
May 3, 2017 13:04
… implementation. An interpreter can be automatically transformed into a compiler using the Futamura Projections. A program that packages an interpreter together with the code it interprets into a single file is indistinguishable from a compiler. A program that compiles pieces of code and immediately executes them is indistinguishable from an interpreter. If English were a typed language, the terms "interpreted language" and "compiled language" would be type errors. Considering that there is no such thing as an interpreted language, I question why we would need a tag for it?
May 3, 2017 13:04
@Makoto: There is no such thing as an interpreted-language or a compiled-language‌​. A language is a set of abstract mathematical rules and restrictions. It is a specification, a piece of paper. Interpretation and compilation are traits of an interpreter or compiler (duh!), not a language. Every language can be implemented by an interpreter and every language can be implemented by a compiler. Most languages have both compiled and interpreted implementations. Most modern high-performance implementations combine interpretation and compilation in the same …

Ruby :: Sometimes on Rails

The humane programming language. Be nice. Have fun. Lurkers...
Mar 30, 2017 18:24
The way I got that comfortable on stage was to go to a weekly jam session, every damn week for over a year until I finally worked up the nerve to get on stage, then go back every damn week for another year and get on stage every time. There's nothing like being on stage to get comfortable being stage, and there's nothing line jamming songs you don't know with guys you only just met to prepare yourself for all of the unexpected things that happen during a gig.
Mar 30, 2017 18:17
Thanks! In that band, I see my role more about playing as little as possible while still keeping the song together.
Mar 30, 2017 17:30
Yeah, that's fun! It's hard to get gigs for that singer/songwriter band, though. We're too big and loud for the singer/songwriter places, and too quiet and "heady" (for lack of a better word) for the rock places: they want their customers to dance and drink, not sit and think, which is what our audience is doing.
Mar 30, 2017 17:28
That's some songs from our very first gig, 5 years ago. The songs are in German, though.
Mar 30, 2017 17:26
@WayneConrad One band is a 4-piece singer/songwriter band, pop with some jazz and rock thrown in. The other is a cover trio, blues, rock'n'roll, and rock from about 1940s to today. In the latter, I play mostly cajón, but more drums recently. It depends on the size of the venue.
Mar 30, 2017 17:09
My profile pic is a giveaway ;-)
Mar 30, 2017 17:09
20 years now, I think. A bit more, actually. I think I started at 16, so almost 22 years.
Mar 30, 2017 16:52
Interesting. As a drummer and sound engineer, damping overtones of a drum head is kinda second nature. It wouldn't even occur to me that it wouldn't immediately occur to a banjo player. Then again, I'm terrible at adjusting the action of a guitar, even if fret buzz is killing me.
Feb 8, 2017 16:31
@thesecretmaster I don't think so. Usually clients connect to a server on startup.
Feb 8, 2017 16:30
The problem is, most modern apps aren't designed for network transparency. They require far more network roundtrips than older apps, which were written in times where this way of using X11 was the norm: one beefy headless server for running apps, and cheap, thin X11 client terminals for display.
Feb 8, 2017 16:28
@thesecretmaster X11 was always designed to be network-transparent. That's the whole point of separating servers (which display stuff on the screen) and clients (which ask servers to display stuff on the screen).
Feb 8, 2017 16:27
In fact, AFAIK, in the default configuration on Debian and Ubuntu, -X and -Y are the same.
Feb 8, 2017 16:26
@thesecretmaster It's special in that it is even more dangerous and insecure. Theoretically. Pragmatically, the X11 Security Extensions aren't widely used, so it's more or less the same as -X.
Jan 18, 2017 23:50
@Marc-Andre Ironically, on Windows, JRuby passes more of YARV's own tests than YARV does. The most important thing we (the Ruby community) can do, is eliminate C extensions. Unfortunately, there is still a myth among the Ruby community that C is necessary for performance. However, both JRuby+Truffle and Rubinius have shown that crossing the Ruby/C boundary is very expensive. JRuby+Truffle has demonstrated a pure Ruby Gem outperforming the equivalent C extension.
Jan 18, 2017 17:03
Go ahead!
Jan 18, 2017 16:58
If I ever get around to having one … :-D
Jan 18, 2017 16:48
Purely functional programming would be pretty boring otherwise. You need side-effects, otherwise all you do is make the CPU hot. Which, some might argue, is also a side-effect.
Jan 18, 2017 16:47
Someone once said that Haskell has better support for side-effects than C, since in Haskell, they are first-class, can be passed around as arguments, can be returned as values, can be stored in variables, can be composed. In C, they just happen.
Jan 18, 2017 16:44
In both cases, the result is the same: the pure functional program returns a purely functional value that is basically a description of the side-effects that the program would like to perform. This description is then interpreted by the impure language runtime. This allows the programming language semantics themselves to remain pure.
Jan 18, 2017 16:43
Haskell goes a different route: it uses a concept called monads. Monads allow you to "enrich" a computation with additional structure but hide that structure away from the computation. So, the "world values" never actually get exposed, they are always hidden (and since they are never exposed, they don't even really exist in the runtime at all).
Jan 18, 2017 16:42
We need to make sure that "Worlds" don't get re-used. There are some type system tricks we can use: there is a concept called linear types, which are types that can only be used once. Clean works this way, all IO functions take and return World types that are based on linear types.
Jan 18, 2017 16:41
However, we have a problem here: the caller could have held onto the old world value! Now our caller has two worlds at its disposal: one in which the string is printed and one in which it isn't. What do we do if it calls println again with the old world value as input? We can't "unprint" what we printed (especially if we printed to an actual printer instead the screen.)
Jan 18, 2017 16:38
@Marc-Andre In a pure functional language, println would take two arguments: a string and the state of the world, and return a new state of the world in which the string is printed to the screen. (At least that's one way to interpret it.)
Jan 18, 2017 16:37
…meaningful value. Kind-of like puts in Ruby returns nil, because, well, there is no meaningful thing it could return.
Jan 18, 2017 16:37
However, in an impure language, there can be side-effects. One way of handling this is to separate things that have values (expressions, functions) from things that have side-effects (statements, procedures). But that complicates the language and the syntax. So, what we do instead is to define a value that carries zero information (like the empty tuple) of a type that has this value as its only instance, and define this "information-less" value as the return value of something that has no …
Jan 18, 2017 16:34
In a pure functional language, the very idea of a statement doesn't make sense: there are no side-effects, so something that doesn't return a value just doesn't do anything.
Jan 18, 2017 16:25
What impure functional languages have instead is a "Unit Type". The unit type is a type that is only inhabited by one value. Typically, that value (and the type) is written as (), i.e. the empty tuple. (There can only be one tuple that has no element.) "Statements" are then expressions of type (), and "void procedures" are functions that return (). E.g. in Scala, println returns Unit and assignment evaluates to ().
Jan 18, 2017 16:22
Functional languages typically have no statements. After all, they are all about values and something that has no value has no value in FP ;-)
Jan 18, 2017 16:20
The thing is that this distinction is somewhat arbitrary. In fact, languages which distinguish between both usually have an "expression statement", which is a statement that consists only of a single expression and throws away its value. They also sometimes have "statement expressions" which are expressions that consist of a statement and evaluate to some bogus value (e.g. NULL).
Jan 18, 2017 16:16
Ruby has only expressions, there are no statements. Even a method definition, a module/class definition, or a loop return values. (Even if that value is just nil.)
Jan 18, 2017 16:15
An expression evaluates to a value. A statement has no value, only a side-effect.
Jan 18, 2017 16:11
Ah, I remember looking at Nim (then Nimrod) back in 2008 or so.
Jan 18, 2017 16:08
@WayneConrad What might that language be?
Jan 18, 2017 16:05
You mean if language.has_statements then res = "not interested" else res = "interested" end; puts res?
Oct 5, 2016 10:50
@WayneConrad There's no good idea that someone hasn't already invented a name for.
Aug 27, 2016 01:07
Just checked: no, it's not possible.
Aug 27, 2016 00:56
@WayneConrad Yes, something like that. Unfortunately, this mode of operation is not built into any of the existing Ruby benchmarking tools I know of. Maybe it is possible to build something like that using benchmark-ips's concept of custom Suites.
Aug 27, 2016 00:55
Haha, well, we all have to start somewhere.
Aug 27, 2016 00:44
We would have to re-create it for every iteration, but then the creation would become part of the benchmark, which is not what we want. How do we get out of that? My only idea was to create enough deep copies of the datastructure beforehand in order to be able to run all iterations on a fresh, but identical, instance. But now we have artificially increased memory pressure. I haven't come up with a sensible idea yet.
Sep 28, 2016 17:53
@KevinB: Flag for moderator attention with extensive details and documentation of their behavior, and they might get manually banned. It has happened and worked before: meta.stackoverflow.com/a/261062/2988 in this case, a veteran, high-rep user with multiple gold badges received a one-year(!!!) ban for posting low-quality questions and being ignorant of comments trying to help them improve their questions. There are things that can't be detected automatically, and there are things that will be wrongly detected (e.g. serial downvoting). The solution is to communicate respectfully.
Sep 28, 2016 17:53
@Shog9: well, in that case, the system seems to be working as intended, and I don't see what the fuss is all about.
Sep 28, 2016 17:53
… serial-downvoting that user, you were serial-downvoting crap, and that user just happens to post a lot of crap. A moderator investigates, finds your explanation to be reasonable, warns the offending user, and keeps an eye on him for the next weeks. Is that not what would happen?
Sep 28, 2016 17:53
I have never had any moderator actions taken against me, so I don't actually know how they work, but here's what I think would (theoretically) happen, and how it should (ideally) be handled: you encounter a crap question, you downvote and vote-to-close. You encounter another crap question, you downvote and vote-to-close. And again. And again. As it turns out, several of those questions were posted by the same user, and thus your votes get reversed by the serial-voting script. Assumption #1: you will get a notice to that effect. You can then reply to that notice, explaining that you weren't …