May 26, 2019 20:07
I temporarily added a cout of the values passed to is_near ... it is not near, and deltas x short circuits the delta y comparison. More later.
May 26, 2019 20:07
That was a bigger change than I expected. Compiler errors about x2,y2 not defined are gone. No other errors. It appears the reorder warnings are gone. My compiler reports 5 warnings about -Wnon-=virtual-dtor. "Polygon::center test" still fails
May 26, 2019 20:07
Your code in this post does not compile. My compiler reports 2 errors with x2 and y2 undefined, 2 places. There are also 9 reorder warnings.
Mar 7, 2019 00:04
ReverseStringRecursive() is define to return an int, but the return value is discarded both in main() and during the recursion.
Nov 5, 2018 23:29
I would guess you have not 'looked for' a list of 'recommended compiler and linker flags'. You might review "" "compiler-and-linker-flags-gcc/" ... I have not reviewed this one yet, and I suspect there are more than 2 others. I have two lists that I use (think min and max). I suppose the 'best' list (for me) is still in the future.
Nov 5, 2018 23:29
"... like the -lm tag for math.h" -- this is a link request. The linker will fail if your program needs the math lib and you don't link it. It does not complain if you include it and don't need it. When in doubt, I recommend you try without. Most link failure messages are readable.
Jul 9, 2018 23:54
"I now have an iterative traversing version" - this code should not overflow, if it does, you should submit a new post about it. The optimized tail recursion causes the compiler to create an iterative loop, but the code still has the advantages of recursion.
Jul 9, 2018 23:54
Tail recursion works much better than your expectations. Properly coded, and with -O3 optimization, the optimized recursive code does not use the stack. In my experience, the optimization does not occur with -O0 (but might occur with -O1 or more)
Jul 9, 2018 23:54
Do you understand tail recursion?
Nov 21, 2017 22:44
You might try using (the no-cost) mingw. It will help you gain confidence in your C++ code. I am NOT suggesting you try submitting your mingw results, but when the mingw code compiles and runs 'correct', then you see what turbo c++ has trouble with. It will at least improve your requests for help from the professor's TA. Note: at every place I have worked, I request the latest g++. With my mgr's support, I usually got it. The 'Latest' compilers generally means better diagnostics. At home, I have the latest g++ and clang++... I use both to get the 'better' diagnostics.
Mar 31, 2015 00:27
Good luck.
Mar 31, 2015 00:26
It sounds like you forgot the 'endl' at the end of the dash-bar. Your main for loop should now produce 2 lines.
Mar 31, 2015 00:25
Next time I open a chat, I'll try to remember to have your posting open too. I appreciate your interaction. Hope this is helpful.
Mar 31, 2015 00:23
And the dash-bar lines between table rows are the same, so in your for loop, just after the endl, insert the code to be used for each of these lines.
Mar 31, 2015 00:22
Sounds ok. I've already forgotten a lot of your details. The key idea is that the header is unique, so it should have its own bit of code.
Mar 31, 2015 00:20
Only one "endl" between the header line and your for loop. You might consider creating a function "void header(int tableWidth) { ... }" get it correct, then insert it.
Mar 31, 2015 00:19
Sounds fine.
Mar 31, 2015 00:18
and i was thinking " " << i << " ", but you have to count spaces
Mar 31, 2015 00:17
I think not... this is my first time chatting, so I'm learning too. The header line can be produced as in "for (int i=0; i<7; ++) std::cout <<
Mar 31, 2015 00:15
Well that's not so clear is it?
Mar 31, 2015 00:15
In front of your existing for loop (which prints the table), the header line should be 7 sets of your dash-and-bar. In side the header are the values of your loop variable (probably i).
Mar 31, 2015 00:13
Mar 31, 2015 00:13
Good evening.
Mar 31, 2015 00:12
Oh ... you mean how to print the column headers. Do that before your for loop. I would do a simple for loop to produce a single line of the dashes-and-bars.
Mar 31, 2015 00:12
After "cout<<endl", before end of loop, you should try the "---|---|..." Is this the only thing missing? I don't see it in your code?
Mar 31, 2015 00:12
If you run the debugger, you will see which line of your code causes the problem. If you attach your output, maybe we can find the problem sooner.