Feb 11, 2018 09:18
good luck tho
Feb 11, 2018 09:18
most likely
Feb 11, 2018 09:17
sorry couldnt help more
Feb 11, 2018 09:16
and not assigned to a globally-declared (or undeclared) variable
Feb 11, 2018 09:16
it will be inside of a function
Feb 11, 2018 09:12
not when they're targeted somewhere. the XHR object will handle it directly and only the code that's in its local scope (unless it's all done globally) will have access to it
Feb 11, 2018 09:10
you could get it from the server itself if you have access to it
Feb 11, 2018 09:09
for example could attempt to replace the $.fn.ajax() method with your own but it'll get pretty complicated and jquery likely has things in place to help prevent something like that
Feb 11, 2018 09:08
well there's not really a straightforward way of doing that but if you're able to access whatever the library is using to connect (like, jquery or axios or some other library) you might be able to replace the AJAX methods with your own and siphon out the data that way (while still maintaining the original ones)
Feb 11, 2018 09:03
you're trying to get what the server sends back or what's sent to the server?
Feb 11, 2018 09:03
and you dont have access to the code
Feb 11, 2018 08:59
aka submit
Feb 11, 2018 08:59
using AJAX or just the action handler in the form element with a full page reload when it happens
Feb 11, 2018 08:59
need to know how the form is being submitted
Feb 11, 2018 08:58
I know you probably have your reasons for doing so but you seem to be omitting too much information for me to do anything but guess :\
Feb 11, 2018 08:58
if the server is giving you a form for you to use on your page it's most likely inside an iframe, which would still be hosted on their server just embedded on your page. If so it's maintained in that iframe and you can't manipulate or listen to it. you can inspect the form elements in chrome and move up the tree to see if this is the case.
Feb 11, 2018 08:58
"getting the form" isn't what would be your problem. submitting it is. is the URL the form is sending to the same as your web server?
Feb 11, 2018 08:58
If an external vendor is "summoning" then it's going to still probably be cross-origin
Jul 26, 2014 03:00
haha good luck i hope you get it figured out
Jul 26, 2014 02:53
Jul 26, 2014 02:53
so you could server just html files and have the same issue
Jul 26, 2014 02:53
the iPage service caches frequent files (like most other shared web hosting) like JS, CSS and HTML to reduce disk reads
Jul 26, 2014 02:52
it's not the PHP
Jul 26, 2014 02:52
Jul 26, 2014 02:46
that keeps your server from thinking its CSS and caching it while allowing browsers to cache it still when it hasn't changed
Jul 26, 2014 02:45
depending on the files your server caches, you could probably load the CSS through PHP instead
Jul 26, 2014 02:44
I'm at like 3TB bandwidth and 2GB ram and started with 1TB and 512MB
Jul 26, 2014 02:44
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Jul 26, 2014 02:43
cheap (not $1.68 but still) and great performance
Jul 26, 2014 02:43
linode.com is my favorite by far
Jul 26, 2014 02:42
Jul 26, 2014 02:42
Jul 26, 2014 02:42
you'll need to change the file name again like before and restart apache
Jul 26, 2014 02:41
that cache is a big performance gain when used
Jul 26, 2014 02:41
if that works, make sure NOT to use it if you publish a live site
Jul 26, 2014 02:39
Jul 26, 2014 02:38
to it
Jul 26, 2014 02:38
Header set Cache-Control: “private, pre-check=0, post-check=0, max-age=0?
Header set Expires: 0
Header set Pragma: no-cache
Jul 26, 2014 02:38
if you have access to your .htaccess file, add
Jul 26, 2014 02:38
Jul 26, 2014 02:38
well you arent the first to have the issue apparently
Jul 26, 2014 02:37
Jul 26, 2014 02:33
but your ipage may also lemme research that
Jul 26, 2014 02:33
PHP has a cache module that may be the source
Jul 26, 2014 02:33
ipage wtf
Jul 26, 2014 02:30
haha well hello there
Jul 26, 2014 02:21
what server are you using and what PHP mods are enabled?
Jul 26, 2014 02:16
its cool sorry i just noticed you got in haha
Jul 26, 2014 01:55
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