Tyler Daniels


A friendly room for discussing XAML based technologies. Our Co...
May 23, 2016 13:41
@Hamza_L I believe you would want a converter for that.
May 20, 2016 13:19
Yeah, I was sad that I had to change up all my ListViews.
May 18, 2016 14:36
Using Material Design XAML Toolit and loving it. Just want everyone to know that.
May 16, 2016 13:25
@Maverik Yeah, I think I may start porting over to that after I demo it for a while. Looks really well done, and it's certainly a proven design heavily documented by Google.
May 16, 2016 13:14
@Hamza_L Indeed, but you still have to pick which framework provides the overall look and feel.
May 16, 2016 13:12
I'm nearly finished with a new app using MahApps, then I discover Material Design Toolkit and question all my life choices.
May 10, 2016 18:09
Man, I hate writing applications that work extensively with directories/files. So much to worry about.
May 9, 2016 20:04
Have the VM expose properties of the M, or expose the M directly. Why does this have to be up for debate? Why can't someone tell me what to do?! Arghhhh.
May 5, 2016 14:50
We have C# applications as well that I work with a lot, but the company is mainly Java and trying to leave C# behind.
May 5, 2016 14:49
I had to go from LINQ and C# to Java for my current job. :(
May 3, 2016 15:58
@Julien The ItemContainerStyle would be set on the TreeView?
May 3, 2016 15:27
Anyone know how I can instead set the ContextMenu on the TreeViewItem but while using ItemsSource/DataTemplates?
May 3, 2016 15:26
I'm binding a 2-level TreeView's ItemsSource and have set up a parent HierarchicalDataTemplate and child DataTemplate. Each DataTemplate is just a TextBlock with the text bound to the name. I'm wanting a different ContextMenu for each DataTemplate. I've set the ContextMenu on the TextBlock, but it will only be triggered when right-clicking on the text itself.
Apr 25, 2016 20:53
I didn't know it would inherit that way. Interesting.
Apr 25, 2016 20:53
@Kevin Okay, I was instantiating the view inside a DataTemplate, and the DataTemplate's DataType was set to my ViewModel.
Apr 25, 2016 18:56
My code is working and it's scaring me. Why is my databinding working correctly when I haven't even set the data context of the view?
Apr 20, 2016 19:47
Please do. It'll be nice to have on record.
Apr 20, 2016 19:46
Thanks a lot!
Apr 20, 2016 19:45
When you post that as the answer, I'll accept it.
Apr 20, 2016 19:45
@Maverik Worked like a charm! :D
Apr 20, 2016 19:44
@Maverik I'm trying it now, thanks!
Apr 20, 2016 19:14
Roger that. Really appreciate the help.
Apr 20, 2016 19:14
Apr 20, 2016 19:13
@Maverik Could I put a WindowCommandItem containing a button in my DataTemplate instead of a button?
Apr 20, 2016 19:09
Right, that makes sense.
Apr 20, 2016 19:09
Or a converter, as you said.
Apr 20, 2016 19:08
Okay, so my ViewModel needs a collection of WindowCommandItem to bind to rather than my model?
Apr 20, 2016 19:05
Define a DataTemplate in my resources with the TargetType=Game?
Apr 20, 2016 18:45
@Julien You're exactly right. I added another ItemsControl below that one, and it added a separator between the two ItemsControls.
Apr 20, 2016 18:36
@Maverik Unable to use Gist, but I added it as a question anyway.
Apr 20, 2016 18:34
Q: Show separators for WindowCommands when using databound ItemsControl in MahApps.Metro

SeeSharpCodeWhen manually adding buttons as window commands, the separators show up normally: <controls:MetroWindow.RightWindowCommands> <controls:WindowCommands ShowSeparators="True"> <Button Content="Button1" /> <Button Content="Button2" /> </controls:WindowCommands> </controls:Met...

Apr 20, 2016 15:34
Is there a better way to format that in chat? Pastie and the like are unfortunately blocked here.
Apr 20, 2016 15:34
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type entities:Game}">
        <Button Content="Hey" />
Apr 20, 2016 15:33
And in my resources, I defined a template for a Game model.
Apr 20, 2016 15:33
<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding GamesViewModel.Games}">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" />
Apr 20, 2016 15:33
Here's what I'm trying.
Apr 20, 2016 15:32
That shows up nice and pretty with separators.
Apr 20, 2016 15:32
<Button Content="Button1" />
<Button Content="Button2" />
Apr 20, 2016 15:15
@Maverik My problem was the opposite. Code-behind works fine, but I want to do this in XAML. I can get the buttons to show up like I want, but the separators aren't showing up that typically show up when you define the buttons manually or in code-behind.
Apr 20, 2016 14:44
Anyone ever tried dynamically generating window/title bar commands in MahApps?
Apr 19, 2016 18:15
@LynnCrumbling Couldn't the getter for the string property you're binding to trim/substring to the value you want to display?
Apr 18, 2016 20:47
That gets your model collection into the ComboBox. Then you just need to specify how to show each item in the ComboBox. If you want to display a simple property, you can use DisplayMemberPath="Description"
Apr 18, 2016 20:45
Asssuming you've set your datacontext to the ViewModel already.
Apr 18, 2016 20:45
@Alex So your ViewModel will have a property like ObservableCollection<Model> Models, and then your XAML for the ComboBox will look something like <ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding Models}" />
Apr 18, 2016 20:35
@Alex Are you following MVVM?
Apr 18, 2016 20:34
@Alex Why not bind to the List/ObservableCollection<Model> and use a DataTemplate on the ComboBox?
Apr 18, 2016 19:18
@Катерина I ran into code like that today. Could not understand why it was working. Almost worse than code that doesn't work at all.
Mar 9, 2016 15:37
Exactly. This is a starter project, so I want to design it in a way that translates to larger apps.
Mar 9, 2016 15:36
Also keeps my repository.GetAll() from being called except for initialization.
Mar 9, 2016 15:36
@Julien Gotcha, thanks for your suggestions! Will definitely think about implementing that instead.