
Dedicated to the discussion of the Java programming language a...
Mar 18, 2015 11:08
@fge hi fge, were you answering my question?
Mar 18, 2015 10:56
is there a 'select()' equivalent in java? where i can multiplex accept and client's receive in the same thread?
Mar 18, 2015 10:56
hi.. i have a doubt regarding java sockets.. might sound basic.. I am learning java..

Android & Kotlin Experts

Any SO Room is nothing without you all GUYS.Thanks to all memb...
Mar 18, 2015 11:02
hi.. i have a doubt regarding java/android sockets.. might sound basic.. I am learning..
is there a 'select()' equivalent in java? where i can multiplex accept and connected client's receive in the same thread?