Usman Hayat Khan


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
Jan 16, 2017 14:01
if any one have any knowledge about this kindly help me thanks
Jan 16, 2017 14:00
Q: Convert ByteArrayInputStream to file from Ajax.response

Usman Hayat KhanI am receiving ByteArrayInputStream type response from server side now i need to convert that inputStream to file and open that to new tab of browser.File may contains image file (JPEG , PNG ,GIF) or PDFdocuments Here is the server side java code which return inputStream response String conten...

Jan 16, 2017 13:59
i need to convert inputstream response to file
Jan 16, 2017 13:58
need help in ajax response issue
Jan 16, 2017 13:58

Java, Spring,JPA, PHP, jQuery & Javas

This room is for Java, ,Spring Framework, JPA, Javascript, jQu...
Jan 16, 2017 14:00
Jan 16, 2017 14:00
if any have answer about this issue please let me know
Jan 16, 2017 14:00
Q: Convert ByteArrayInputStream to file from Ajax.response

Usman Hayat KhanI am receiving ByteArrayInputStream type response from server side now i need to convert that inputStream to file and open that to new tab of browser.File may contains image file (JPEG , PNG ,GIF) or PDFdocuments Here is the server side java code which return inputStream response String conten...

Jan 16, 2017 13:58
can any one free to help me ?
Jan 16, 2017 13:57
need little help in ajax response issue
Jan 16, 2017 13:57
hi every one