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Apple iOS development chat. This room has a FAQ at ios-develop...
Nov 7, 2012 21:15
i just wonder if they gained anything from closing my question, esp. the ones that have completely unrelated technical skills so couldn't have answered anyway
Nov 7, 2012 21:13
Nov 7, 2012 21:11
no you don't need that much, i could vote with about 500, just click on "reopen" under the question
well, maybe SO is not consistent, so some people need more rep ???
Nov 7, 2012 21:07
ah you already voted for reopening this? thanks then!
Nov 7, 2012 21:05
but then others who has no idea also joined to vote it down who now don't care to vote for reopen
Nov 7, 2012 21:04
the guy who votes to close it said it's worth reopening
Nov 7, 2012 21:04
thanks only two votes are missing
Nov 7, 2012 21:04
Nov 7, 2012 20:37
I need reopen votes for this:
Nov 7, 2012 20:40
Could you help with a reopen vote for this valid question:
trolls took it down lazily